From a small group of free men and women gathered beneath a large oak tree in 1868 to scholars huddled in state-of-the-art research centers of excellence and classrooms across campus, Hampton University has a rich and storied history of innovation, empowerment, and service to others. As part of our mission to empower the next generation of Hamptonians, the HBCU Alumni Alliance 5k Run/Walk is one of the premier scholarship fundraisers, allowing the group to continue to provide the gift of education. This year we are raising funds for our endowment scholarship and Book awards. We sincerely thank you for your donation.
Click on a team below to make a donation.
Hampton U Alumni
Raised: $3,053.85
Click on an individual below to make a donation.
Elaine Lawrence-Green
Raised: $1,113.82
Maisha Hoye
Raised: $562.93
Lawrence Green Sr
Raised: $352.09
Patrice Allen
Raised: $188.61
Morgan Robinson
Raised: $176.36
Leslie Russell Winder
Raised: $128.73
Brian Cherry
Raised: $81.58
Judi Wright
Raised: $54.10
Loraine Morris
Raised: $27.48
Jennifer Young
Raised: $25.00
Recent donors
Date | Name | Amount |
May 22 | David ALBRITTON | $54.10 |
May 22 | Danielle Hackney | $11.50 |
May 22 | David Albritton | $54.10 |
May 22 | $100 | $107.35 |
May 20 | Mechelle Loper Connors | $27.48 |
May 20 | The Mitchell Fund | $27.48 |
May 20 | Wayne Greene | $27.48 |
May 20 | Kim Stephenson | $54.10 |
May 19 | HU Dynasty ⚓💙 | Undisclosed amount |
May 19 | Anonymous | $10.00 |