💳 Bank Transfer Purchase of Promo Codes
Payment Details:
🏦 Bank: Republic Bank Limited, Penal branch
👤 Account Name: Metronomes Sports and Cultural Club
💼 Account Number: 500 803 391 501
📝 Account Type: Chequing
💬 Comment or Description: 5K: [Your Name]
💲 Amount: Early bird price of TT$145 until 14-May-2024. Afterwards, it's the last minute price of TT$160
Please include 5K and your name in the Comment or Description of the transaction e.g. "5K: John Wick". If you are paying for multiple persons, use your name. This allows us to reconcile our banking records.
Payment Receipt:
📧 Please email a screenshot of the successful payment to metronomestt@gmail.com. Ensure the details on the screenshot are easily visible.
In your email, kindly include the name(s) and contact number(s) of the person(s) being registered. We will use this information to allocate the promo codes.
Promo Code Delivery:
📩 Your email will be responded to with the promo code(s) by one of our volunteers. Kindly allow up to 24 hours to process your request.