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St. Alexander School

Raise money for St. Alexander School

This year marks the 8th St. Alexander Raider Run/Walk.  We have successfully raised over $185,000 with amazing support and dedication from families, friends and local businesses! These funds have gone directly into updating our School Technology Department.  Every student from pre-school - 8th grade visits the Computer Lab a few times each week so it is essential to replace the outdated equipment. 
Past updates include:

- Updating the school building’s wiring infrastructure allowing for total wireless capabilities in all classrooms throughout our campus.

- The resurrection of the Applied Tech Lab.  We were able to transform it into a much needed “Science-Technology-Engineering-Math” lab, commonly known as a STEM Lab. The Applied Tech Lab was created over 15 years ago and St. Alexander was one of the few Catholic schools in the Archdiocese that offered their students this amazing opportunity.  As time has passed, however, the modules in the lab had become outdated.  Every module in the STEM Lab has been replaced so that they are fun, interactive and educational.

- Updating the iMac computers in the school, as necessary, over the last few years.

- Updating much needed media equipment, such as projectors and document cameras, in the classrooms

- Purchasing a new server in the STEM Lab as well as replacing/updating modules

- Purchasing iPads for use in various classrooms

- Purchasing a computer classroom monitor

- New computer desks and chairs

This year, the monies raised will be spent toward: 

- Upgrades and enhancements to school wide technology

How Can you Help?

- Students will be collecting Pledges for prizes so you can donate directly to a student(s) to help them achieve their goals. If you want to donate directly to a student, please GO BACK TO THE HOME PAGE and click on the Pledge Participant Button and search by Name.

- If you are looking to Pledge to an entire family, please donate to the oldest child. 

- If you would like to donate directly to the school, please fill out the information below.

Technology is what can make our school stand out today as well as prepare our students for High School, College and beyond.  Please consider donating now to help us achieve our goals.


We are blessed to have your support 

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Apr 18 Dave & Linda Great job Harper!! $52.50
Apr 18 Grandma Susan Run with the wind! $26.25
Apr 18 Auntie Evelyn Go Harper! Love you so much <3 Auntie Evelyn Undisclosed amount
Apr 18 Colleen Filmanowicz Always excited to support Harper and important improvements! Undisclosed amount
Apr 18 Dan and Julie Smith Good Luck Harper! Love Grammie and Grampie🥰 $26.25
Apr 18 Bridget Carroll $52.50
Apr 17 Leonidas Checheris Good luck Nicholas! $105.00
Apr 17 Samantha Calvillo $26.25
Apr 17 Samantha Calvillo $26.25
Apr 17 Anonymous $26.25