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Tanglefoot Trail®

Raise money for Tanglefoot Trail®

Welcome to the Tanglefoot Trail®, Mississippi’s longest Rails to Trails conversion meandering 43.6 miles through the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains in the Mississippi Hills National Heritage Area. It is here you will experience a bit of our history as you pass through fields, forests, meadows and wetlands while you travel down the path of the Chickasaws and Meriwether Lewis, or the railroad built by Col. William C. Falkner, great-grandfather of Nobel Prize winning author William Faulkner.

Your donation will support the maintenance of the Tanglefoot Trail!

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Jun 18 Gary Rogers $27.48
Jun 12 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
May 26 Thomas Lombardo $27.48
May 17 Nora Buckley $27.48
May 13 James Edwards $54.10
May 11 Jerry McLendon $54.10
May 01 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Apr 28 Jamie Bailey Undisclosed amount
Apr 28 Philip Jones $27.48
Apr 28 Anthea McAdams $27.48