AAHDS members will receive a 10% discount on entries-
Go Grab your membership today! and check your email!!
2025 — AAHDS Membership 2024/2025 — Race Roster — Registration, Marketing, Fundraising
Event Date
IFSS Accredited
Distance = Standard 4.8km Sprint 2.7km ***Sprint refers to track length only; not your speed or skills, or an expectation of your performance***
Classes offered are as followed - order will depend on WEATHER.
Rig - 4 dog [Standard; 4.8kms] Saturday/Sunday Combined Time
Canicross [Standard; 4.8kms]
Rig - 4 dog [Standard; 4.8kms] Friday 1 day only
Alternate Options - Developmental Class ( NON -COMPETITIVE)
*If you and/or your dog are new or do not feel confident in the competitive class options please consider one of the ones below. Let us know if you need help.
Everyone is welcome!!
CHANGE- Developmental Classes are Friday and Saturday only
Developmental Class [Non-Competitive Sprint distance 2.7kms]
**1 or 2 dog Scooter [Non-Competitive Sprint distance 2.7kms]
** 1 or 2 dog Bike [Non-Competitive Sprint distance 2.7kms]
Developmental Canicross [Non-Competitive Sprint distance; 2.7kms]
One Day Entry Options
Developmental Class Scooter /Bike/ Canicross [Non-Competitive Sprint 2.7kms]
1 or 2 dog Scooter/Bike [Non-Competitive Sprint 2.7kms]
Developmental Canicross [Non-Competitive Sprint 2.7kms] Class will follow after developmental wheel Classes
*A Break will be mid way through competition, approximately 15mins- Determined by Timers/Event hosts.
Wednesday Night October 09,2024
8pm Online Zoom Q&A for Developmental Classes ONLY (see details below)
Thursday Night October 10, 2024
*Parking starts at 2pm
*Updated weather Report
Friday October 11, 2024
START TIME to be determined.
Events : 4 dog Rig Friday and Developmental Classes
Saturday October 12, 2024
8am Sunrise
8:05am MANDATORY competitors Drivers Meeting
11am Developmental Drivers Meeting
4pm Thanks Giving Turkey Dinner
8am Sunrise
8:05am MANDATORY Competitive Drivers Meeting
1pm Clean Up
2pm Awards
CAMPING : 25$ for dry camping spot. (same if needed one night or two)
● Thursday parking starts at 2pm
● Friday starts once all classes have left the start line est 10:30am
*Helmets are mandatory in all classes (exception canicross )
*Development class (Non Competitive ) :: there will be a pre event meeting to ensure everyone has the support they need for the weekends events. Possible topics addressed in this meeting :: Trail map, AAHDS rules, Question and Answer, Prep. needs , coaches corner :-) a 1.5hr Wednesday evening meeting online that we hope will help you have a successful fun weekend. Mush for Fun!!!
*Classes will start immediately (confirmed at drivers meeting) after the completion of the previous class. this is done to ensure we complete the event before the heat of the day.
*Jr's must check in before showing up to this event, to ensure we have enough spotters designated for their event.
*We encourage NEW to the sport at our events, please reach out to event host if this is your first time or you have any questions. This is not a how to clinic, your dog must be ready to pull around the short course. The AAHDS rules and requirements are great resources to learn what is required.
Dogs MUST be on a leash, drop tethers, crates, pens or in a harness at all times.
NO free running or loose dogs on property, please leave the property to a local private dog park if you want to loose run your dogs. ** Our property owners have their own dog and we would like to ensure off side moments occur, while also not restricting their daily walks.
Scoop your poop!!
Track is CLOSED for recreation for the weekend.
Any damage must be reported when it happens. Dog holes must be filled.
Parking map will be provided once entries close.
Respect everyone, those who do not will be asked to leave by event officials and property owners . No refunds or Prizes.
Spectators please leave your pets at home , if you are looking for help please reach out to discuss this option.
Limited CASH entry at event for Development Classes ONLY. If you have not enter a event via Race Roster and will need to sign waivers the fee is +20dollars to the current RR cost. No AAHDS discount.
IF you are adding classes to your weekend and have already signed waivers within Race Roster the fee remains the same as shown here. No AAHDS discount. CASH only.
**vendors are welcome please contact event host.
**volunteers for the day even one class required. Do not be afraid to help everyone succeed - ask questions and get involved. Please contact Event Host.
MUSH For FUN!!!!
Registration fees
Prices are inclusive of mandatory charges, items, and fees
Camping Closed
Dry Camping, no hook ups and a out house with a view. One fee for Friday and/or Saturday covers extra garbage pick up and other necessities'. No camping Sunday Please.
NO hook ups or CLEAN UP
Aug 1 - Oct 9
4 Dog Rig Closed
Two day combined time for eligibility of event placement Safety tie off lines required. Please review event rules to ensure safety. Mandatory meeting both days must be attended.
CA$50.40Aug 1 - Oct 9
1 Dog Bikejor Closed
Two day combined time for eligibility of event placement. Please review event rules before participating.
CA$50.40Aug 1 - Oct 9
2 Dog Bikejor Closed
Two day combined time. Please review event rules before participating AAHDS recognizes this as a competitive development class with prizes.
CA$50.40Aug 1 - Oct 9
1 Dog Scooter Closed
Two day combined time for eligibility of event placement. Please review event rules before participating.
CA$50.40Aug 1 - Oct 9
2 Dog Scooter Closed
Two day combined time for eligibility of event placement. Please review event rules before participating.
CA$50.40Aug 1 - Oct 9
Canicross Closed
Two day combined time for eligibility of event placement. Please review event rules before participating.
CA$50.40Aug 1 - Oct 9
Developmental Class Non Competitive - Scooter Closed
Friday and Saturday event. Both 1 or 2 dog Scooter is welcome in this event. Please review event rules before participating. Distance is Sprint = 2.7 km
CA$45.03Aug 1 - Oct 9
Developmental Class Non competitive - Bikejor Closed
Friday and Saturday event. Both 1 or 2 dog Bike is welcome in this event. Please review event rules before participating. Distance is Sprint = 2.7km
CA$45.03Aug 1 - Oct 9
Developmental Class Non competitive -Canicross Closed
Friday and Saturday event. Both 1 or 2 dog Bike is welcome in this event. Please review event rules before participating. Distance is Sprint = 2.7km
CA$45.03Aug 1 - Oct 9
1 day entry Closed
One day entry for Developmental Non Competitive : Developmental Class Canicross [ Non- Competitive Sprint 2.7kms] or Developmental Class Scooter/Bikejor [Non-Competitive Sprint; 2.7kms] You will be added to the bottom of the seeding. No prizes available . Please attend mandatory meeting on the day you are participating. Thank you for joining have FUN!!!
CA$34.29Aug 1 - Oct 9
Bundle - 4 dog Rig , 1 dog bike Closed
4 dog Rig AND 1 dog Bike entry competitive standard : Saturday and Sunday
CA$98.69Aug 1 - Oct 9
Bundle - 1 dog bike , 2 dog scooter Closed
competitive standard : Saturday and Sunday
CA$98.69Aug 1 - Oct 9
4 Dog Rig - FRIDAY ONLY Closed
FRIDAY only 1 day 1 time takes your placing. Safety tie off lines required. Please review event rules to ensure safety. Mandatory meeting must be attended.
CA$45.03Aug 1 - Oct 9
Bundle- 1 dog bike & 2 dog bike Closed
competitive standard : Saturday and Sunday
CA$98.69Aug 1 - Oct 9
Bundle - 4 dog Rig Friday only and 4 dog Rig Saturday/Sunday Closed
3 days of 4 dog rig, two separate events.. One day Friday only 1 run 1 time. Two days on Saturday and Sunday combined time .
CA$98.69Aug 1 - Oct 9
Bundle - Teresa's Special Closed
Standard One dog Bike, One dog Scooter and Two dog scooter
CA$147.00Aug 1 - Oct 9
Turkey Dinner Closed
Turkey supper at the event site. Served at 4pm, bring your own plates, cutlery and beverages . There will be Vegetarian, Gluten Free and Meat options
CA$28.93Aug 1 - Oct 9
Camping and Dinner Closed
One click pay for both Camping and Turkey Dinner Three nights, area must be clean and free of dog holes, take garbage with you. * check info for times available for set up. Turkey Dinner at the event site Saturday. Served approximately 4pm, bring your own plates, cutlery and beverages . There will be Vegetarian, Gluten Free and Meat options
CA$55.76Aug 1 - Oct 9
Contact information
- Event contact
- Tamara
- mush4funab@gmail.com
- Phone
- 4039880102