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Help Ginger raise money

For participating in Homeboy 5K Run/Walk

My Story…

Homeboy Industries in an organization that I adore & support for their exemplary humanitarian work. An organization that provides opportunity, positive change, growth, love, and hope. It is a life transforming resource that we must invest in. I’ve lost too many family members to gang violence & drugs. I pray that many humans turn to this organization & turn their life around. Those that I’ve lost, would've wanted the best for the future of their homies and would've wanted them to know that they are valuable and have worth. May we love one another and always encourage and support each other through the battles we struggle with. Thank you Father Boyle for all your words of wisdom, your tireless work, and making your vision come to life so many years ago. You display the love of God in your actions and have touched countless lives. May we all strive to have compassion & empathy and support the marginalized. I highly recommend Father Greg Boyle's book "Tattoos on the Heart". It will open your heart and mind. Thank you to everyone who has generously donated and supported over the years. There is no such thing as a contribution too small. ♥️ This year I run with my cousin Ronnie’s wings on my back 💔 I run for all those who are in need of hope and I will always run for my loved ones that I’ve lost, Mario, Nathan & Ronnie. ❤️🪽😇🙏🏼

Donate to help Ginger raise money for Homeboy 5K Run/Walk’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 20 The Santiagos Always here to support the Homie, Ginger 😎 $54.10
Sep 20 Celia Asebedo You’re running for a great organization! $27.48
Sep 20 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Sep 20 Ginger Gaxiola For Ronnie ❤️🪽 Mario ❤️🪽 & Nathan ❤️🪽 $50.00