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Help Avery raise money

For participating in SF Aloha Run for Peace

My Story…

Hello everyone, it’s me Avery, back again. I graduated from Chibi Chan Too this year and am now a kindergartener at Argonne. Chibi will always be special to me. My first real friendships were formed there. Fundraising through the SF AlohaRun is my way of saying thank you to the staff and my friends. Some of my friends are not as lucky as me. They might need some help on their way to college (my folks say it will be a fun place, not really sure about that). This is where you come in. If you can, make a donation to my page so that JCYC can provide more academic scholarship to some of my friends. Pleeeaaaaassse. And thank you!

Donate to help Avery raise money for SF Aloha Run for Peace’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 13 Grandma Go Avery Go!! $54.10
Sep 13 Miyashiro Familu Yeah Avery! $54.10
Sep 13 Anonymous Go $54.10