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Help Shoshana raise money

For participating in SF Aloha Run for Peace

My Story…

I've been with JCYC for many years because I strongly believe in its mission and values. Over time, I've grown alongside the organization, witnessing its growth and expansion firsthand. JCYC has become like an extended family to me, which is why it's so difficult to consider leaving. Most importantly, I deeply enjoy working with young children and their families during such a crucial stage in their lives.

Donate to help Shoshana raise money for SF Aloha Run for Peace’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 23 Diana Tsoi $50.00
Sep 19 Patty Yuen This additional donation is for your staff: Jen, Lori, Karina, Jesse, Flora, Scott, Lisa and anyone else I’ve missed. $107.35
Aug 24 Patricia Yuen Thank you for being such a great leader and friend. $100.00
Aug 22 Edwin Icban Happy to support JCYC. Get it Shana $54.10
Aug 21 Maya n Casey Let’s go! $6.18
Aug 21 Anonymous Go, Shana! Undisclosed amount
Aug 14 Anonymous Undisclosed amount