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Help Donna raise money

For participating in BIAWW Walk, Run and Roll 2024

My Story…


People always say to me, “you always have a smile on your face and a pep in your step”. 😊 Reminded me how incredibly different my life is today.8 years ago, I was in the darkest part of my journey.  I wanted to give up on life. The physical, mental and cognitive challenges were just too much to handle.🤕 Daily headaches/migraines🤕 Dizziness, vision, sensory overload 🤕 Couldn't process information or follow instructions🤕 Panic attacks dreams every night🤕 Personality changes🤕 Couldn't do all my jobs to full capacity suddenly. I’d stare blankly at the computer trying to hold back tears until I had to go lie down and cry.😥Being a very involved mom, I worried I'd lose out on watching all their extra curriculars. I struggled to do the housework, the endless task list, struggled to make dinner and every other daily task each day presented.  Then, I had to relive the day all over at bedtime as I battled insomnia.I never stopped trying to find a specialist that could help me.  Insurance company battled me every step of the way. I maxed out credit cards and changed my story, because nothing and no one was going to stop me from fighting to get my life back.Today, I’m helping to support others with brain injuries, I cook/meal prep, and I have brought out my craftiness again, all while still having daily headaches....they have never gone away.I never stopped believing healing was POSSIBLE.No two brain injuries are alike and what works for one person, may not work for another.  🧠 Supplements and vitamins are expensive, but I have to take them to continue and support my continuous healing journey.I share this to educate you on the daily struggles behind this smiling face and pep in my step.  My  Neurosurgeon can't believe how high functioning I am with the amount of brain damage I sustained.I'm glad I persisted in progressing with my healing journey instead of giving up! Finding doctors and specialists who believed in me and told me it wasn't all in my head and gave me a plan to heal. I am walking everyday and your support in helping me raise $ to help BIAWW continue to support Brain Injury Survivors, would mean the world to me.  

Thank you in advance for your Support and Love❤️

Donate to help Donna raise money for BIAWW Walk, Run and Roll 2024’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jun 16 Shelley Dudgeon Keep up the great work! CA$27.80
Jun 13 Gillian McKenzie-Yorke Way to go Donna! CA$108.31
Jun 13 Shari Mann Undisclosed amount
Jun 12 Anne Lloyd Cook CA$20.00
Jun 12 Kelly Hargreaves CA$20.00
Jun 12 Bruce Cater CA$108.31
Jun 10 Lise Sims Donna, you are such an inspiration! CA$54.63
Jun 10 D. Stager Good luck to a great person!!!! CA$54.63
Jun 08 Sharon and John Janics CA$43.90
Jun 08 Kim Hutcheson CA$27.80