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The Big Bill Foundation

Raise money for The Big Bill Foundation

Honoring the memory of Big Bill Robinson, the Big Bill Foundation is striving to bring scholarships to children that have fought the hardest battle.  

Bill Robinson, who partnered with Manatee County in the late 2000s to turn 487 acres of rehabilitated farmland into the hiking trails and mangrove habitats

in northwest Bradenton now known as Robinson Preserve, passed in 2020 following a hard-fought battle with leukemia at the age of 70. 


The Big Bill Foundation was created to honor the legacy of Bill, who loved running, surfing, going for long walks outdoors, and spending time with his family.

Bill was one of the original board members of the Suncoast Aquatic Nature Center Associates, SANCA, and served as chairman from 2014–18.

He dedicated countless hours of service to make SANCA and Nathan Benderson Park a success.

Bill’s passion for sport, the community and his family was evident to anyone who spent time with him.

Bill Robinson was a great leader and mentor, who had a natural gift to inspire and motivate.


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Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Nov 03 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Nov 01 Jenine Kaznowski For Mike Sardina Undisclosed amount
Oct 30 Lori Stabinski $11.50
Oct 28 Anonymous $27.48
Oct 26 Carol Skorulski $54.10
Oct 25 Melissa Friedman Undisclosed amount
Oct 25 Melissa Friedman Undisclosed amount
Oct 25 Melissa Friedman Undisclosed amount
Oct 24 Joss Moreno Undisclosed amount
Oct 24 Anonymous Undisclosed amount