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Fight Like Mason Foundation

Raise money for Fight Like Mason Foundation

Fight Like Mason Foundation is a registered charity formed in 2016 by Chantelle Bacon & Iain Macri, parents of Mason, who at 4 years old  passed away from a childhood cancer called Rhabdomyosarcoma. 

Before passing, Chantelle & Iain made Mason a promise... a promise that they would continue his fight for all the other children diagnosed with childhood cancer. 

From their experiences, Chantelle and Iain have aimed to fill the gaps in pediatric oncology, helping children and families at every step of their medical journey --- from diagnosis, into remission, survivorship and even bereavement. 

With over 10 unique programs, including: research grants, custom medical equipment and comfort and empowering support programs, the organization has raised over 1. million for their cause in just 7 years as a charity. 

Chantelle & Iain have been able to continue Mason's fight and legacy by committing to their Mission ; Improving the treatment, care and quality of life of patients diagnosed with childhood cancer. 

Fight Like Mason Foundation is here to "Defeat the villain for good!"


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Aug 16 Madeline McPhedran Running in memory of Jaida $54.63
Aug 07 Anonymous $6.33
Aug 06 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Jul 26 Puneet Mathur $108.31