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Help Graham raise money

For participating in Go For Broke 2024

My Story…

61 y.o. large lad, who is training and riding hard to support those in need who are having a much harder time in life that I am!

The photo is me catching up with a very old mate from my home town and from my early days on the Soul scene in the UK.  Sadly given my navy career and then emigrating to Australia we had lost touch. After months trying to find him I finally had some success so this was a great afternoon catching up.  Tragically my mate took his own life a few years ago. 


Everyday nine Australians lose their battle with mental health - help us help Lifeline

Over the last few years Covid, natural disasters and financial pressures have impacted on many people's lives. Many in our community are suffering from mental health and anxiety, with more and more people reaching out to Lifeline through their front line mental health services and national 13 11 14 number. 

This year I'm participating in GFB24, a 183km 2000 vertical metre cycling event, from Berowra to Broke. Unlike many cycling events, GFB24 was born off the back of the event founders' own lived experience with mental health and his wish to help others in the community by raising funds for mental health and Lifeline. As a rider in GFB24 I'll be raising funds for three Lifeline offices – Lifeline Harbour to Hawkesbury Sydney.

The money I raise won't only go to helping man the national 13 11 14 crisis number, but will also help fund critical on the ground front line services.

The Gordon office of Lifeline, which we support is one of only a few Lifeline call centres nationally that answers calls 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It's after hours and overnight when many of us and people who struggle with depression and anxiety are most vulnerable and need our support.

At Go for Broke every dollar we raise helps us help fund Lifeline's frontline services and crisis support 13 11 14 number. Please give for this great cause and support me as I train for this tough ride. Help me help Lifeline.

Every dollar makes a difference. Every dollar can save a life. Thank you. 

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 07 Anonymous $52.75
Sep 07 Julie Gordon Good on you mate! $52.75
Sep 07 Paul Good luck ! $26.38
Sep 01 Daniel Silitonga Go hard G...All the best! $26.38
Aug 22 Paul McCarthy Crack the whip hard Shippers!! Undisclosed amount
Jul 01 Graham C Great cause Graham. Best of luck mate $26.38
Jun 29 Trish Salisbury $10.55
Jun 21 Julie Good on you Graham! $26.38
Jun 21 Hilary Onya Graham! $52.75
Jun 21 Dazzla.cum Get out of the middle of the road Phat bouy 💋😬😬 $26.38