Mon histoire…
I am walking in the Salvation Army’s annual Santa Shuffle in memory of my father, Donald Gauthier. My dad was a gentle, loving, generous & kind man. He suffered for decades with PTSD & chronic pain. During his most challenging times, the Salvation Army was his biggest resource for support. He made friends there, would eat at the Soup Kitchen every day & when he couldn’t afford a meal they would always make sure he had something to eat and allow him to settle his tab at the end of the month. He’d often bring meals from there to his neighbours who didn’t have the physical means to make it there on their own. It was a place of community for him where he felt seen, accepted & supported.
Sadly, in 2012, after failing to get the appropriate support from the health care system, he chose to end his suffering by ending his life. After his funeral, my brother & I felt compelled to visit the Salvation Army where he spent so much time. We wanted to see where he ate everyday, meet the people he told us so much about. We were touched by the numerous volunteers & staff there that cared deeply for our father. The environment there was welcoming to anyone who was in need of food, shelter, support & embrace. We were so grateful to these people, to this special place that helped our father when no one else could or would. In his memory, I ask for your support by making a donation today.
Thanking you in advance,
Don Jr.
Faites un don pour soutenir Don et l’aider à recueillir des fonds lors de l’événement Santa Shuffle Fun Run & Elf Walk 2024 - Montreal.
Donateurs récents
Date du don | Nom du donateur | Montant du don |
Dec 07 | Rob | 54,71 $ |
Dec 05 | Koda Prendergaut | 129,95 $ |
Dec 05 | Cait | 108,45 $ |
Nov 28 | Miguel Gauthier | 108,45 $ |
Nov 28 | Andrew T | 54,71 $ |
Nov 27 | Michael Ruffo | 108,45 $ |
Nov 27 | Tim Williton | 100,00 $ |