Ted’s Run for Literacy takes considerable pride in being mindful and current in terms of providing a safe and enjoyable race day experience for all including runners, volunteers, sponsors, board members, and bystanders. We strongly believe the following protocols are socially responsible, reasonable, and will minimize the risk associated with the further spread of Covid-19.
All attendants including walkers, runners, volunteers, board members, bystanders are highly encouraged to self-assess and stay home if feeling ill.
We ask everyone to self asses for any symptoms such as, but not limited to:
Loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Aches and pains
Rash on skin
Discolouration of fingers or toes
Red or irritated eyes
Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
Chest pain
Please stay home if you or anyone else is feeling a combination of the preceded
Social distancing and masks will always be suggested but not enforced. Masks will be made available to anyone and everyone who wants one.
As the COVID-19 situation continues to be fluid and ever dynamic, we'll revisit and review with intent to update as necessary. Should the Province of Manitoba mandate higher restrictions on public gatherings and events, you'll have the option to switch to virtual.
There are no deferrals or refunds at this time.
Further to the above, on race day:
Food distribution will be handled with care and using all appropriate PPE by designated personnel
Race Day registration is cancelled.
Now for the good news. Our 10KM and 5KM distances will be professionally timed. The 2KM Family Fun Walk / Run will be in full swing. We have unique medals, music, two paramedics and one medical doctor onsite, and the famous Fubuki Daiko Drummers will drum you home!
We are the little race that could… with your support, we will be the little race that did!
Be safe, be kind, be smart.
Mauricio Alfaro
Race Director, Ted’s Run for Literacy