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Raise money for METAvivor


Metastatic breast cancer (MBC) is stage 4 breast cancer, for which there is no cure. Globally, more than 685,000 people die each year from MBC, with more than 43,000 dying each year in the U.S. alone (115 per day). Metastatic breast cancer spreads mostly to the bones, liver, lungs, and brain, causing MBC patients to be in treatment for the rest of their lives—with only 31 percent of MBC patients in the U.S. living longer than five years. Approximately 30 percent of early-stage breast cancers recur as stage 4 MBC. While 98 percent of all breast-cancer-related deaths are from MBC, less than 5 percent of overall breast-cancer funding is currently allocated to researching metastatic breast cancer.


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Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Oct 05 Bren Spahn Good luck Aaron! 💗 $27.23
Oct 05 Atypical Roots Go run that shit right out of town!! Undisclosed amount
Oct 05 Ben Stuart May the wind be at your back 🫡 $27.23
Oct 05 Max Mankin Have a great hike/run Aaron! Undisclosed amount
Oct 02 Anonymous $106.35
Oct 01 Toni Trinh $27.23
Oct 01 Jonas Harrison-Beard $53.60
Oct 01 Kelly Mercer $27.23
Oct 01 Jennifer LHommedieu Taking cancer by the horns! $106.35
Oct 01 Barbara Palette $106.35