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Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services

Raise money for Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services

With 28% of Sacramentans currently at risk of hunger, the demand for food assistance in Sacramento County is at an all-time high. Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services (SFBFS) and our 125 partner agencies are now serving more than 305,000 people every month, double the number we were reaching in 2019.

Your support helps ensure that we can keep pace with this unprecedented demand and provide everyone in Sacramento County with access to the food they need to live healthy lives and reach their full potential. For every $1 donated, we can provide three meals for our neighbors in need.

When you donate $50 or more at the time of registration, you’ll receive a Run to Feed the Hungry 20-ounce stainless steel water bottle as a gift!


$50+ donation must be made in-registration to be eligible for the water bottle donation gift.


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Oct 30 Carlos Sanchez Undisclosed amount
Oct 30 Joyce Leary Undisclosed amount
Oct 30 Ann Cony $105.00
Oct 30 Sheri Thorpe $26.25
Oct 30 David Rubens Undisclosed amount
Oct 30 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Oct 30 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Oct 30 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Oct 30 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Oct 30 Anonymous Undisclosed amount