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Help Mariah raise money

For participating in Project Purple's Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month Turkey Trot 2024

My Story…

My dad has been fighting pancreatic cancer since 2019 and will be starting another round of chemo on August 23rd. We have been blessed with every month we have been able to spend with him after his diagnosis and we hope for as many more as we can get. I didn't truly know what a fighter was until I saw what he would go through to fight this battle. He is the strongest person I know and a great example of how God can work through someone and be with someone even in the most trying and darkest times. My dad may be fighting something inside that we can't understand but I know that he knows that God's got him and he doesn't let this stop him from continuing to be an amazing man! I would love for anyone to join me in running for all of the individuals who have to fight these battles or watch someone they care about go through something like this. Let's get as many as we can together and run for everyone fighting a battle!

Donate to help Mariah raise money for Project Purple's Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month Turkey Trot 2024’s fundraising campaign.