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For participating in Project Purple's Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month Turkey Trot 2024

Our story…

If you knew my grandfather, you knew that Thanksgiving was a special holiday to share with family. But more importantly it was about watching the Detroit Lions. Happy to truss, baste or carve any turkey, as long as the Lions weren’t currently playing. Every year the timing of Thanksgiving dinner primarily revolved around which timeslot the Lions were playing in. 12:30? Perfect for an early 4pm Thanksgiving Dinner. 7:30? Move dinner up a half hour, we’ll be done with pie in time for the National Anthem. 3:30? Better have lunch because we weren’t eating until 7.

While the Lions were on, you could maybe squeeze a task into a commercial break (thankfully he never had to experience replay review) but really your opportunity was during halftime. So in his memory I invite you to spend 25 minutes - the average Thanksgiving Halftime - Turkey Trotting in support of Project Purple and their fight to end Pancreatic Cancer. Doesn’t matter if you cover 5 miles or half a block - as long as you’re back for the 2nd half.

Help us raise money for Project Purple, Inc

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Nov 29 The Spin District Thank you for setting this up Jack $268.19
Nov 28 Silvanna Happy Thanksgiving😊 Undisclosed amount
Nov 26 Gia $50.00
Nov 25 Beth H Happy Thanksgiving enjoy the Turkey ride! Cheers, Beth $27.64
Nov 19 Clay H Undisclosed amount
Nov 19 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Nov 19 Jack Gibbons Undisclosed amount