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Red Sneakers for Food Allergy Awareness - Peoria Chapter

Red Sneakers For Food Allergy Awareness - Peoria Chapter

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Raise money for Red Sneakers for Food Allergy Awareness - Peoria Chapter


With food allergies on the rise, and a lack of support across the country, food allergy families Kevin/Lindsey Spangler and Chris/Megan Horan of Peoria, IL came together to start Allergy Awareness for Children Everywhere (AACE Peoria) a FARE-recognized food allergy support group. 

Their group’s mission of providing lifesaving food allergy support, education, advocacy, and research to the community has led them to collaborate with Red Sneakers for Oakley (RSFO). 

RSFO’s focus is saving lives through educating and advocating for individuals with food allergies. The similar missions and the desire to organize other fragmented groups across the country sparked the collaboration. The group centered in Peoria Heights, IL is currently working with RSFO towards founding the first Chapter in the country.

The Peoria Chapter is currently working with their local schools teaching food allergy education through hands-on anaphylaxis and epinephrine injection training; donating allergy-friendly food to their local food pantries; and working with local restaurants to provide food allergy and anaphylaxis training as well as donating epinephrine injectors for the restaurant to have in case of emergencies. The restaurants will be CPR/First Aid and Food Allergy certified by the American Heart Association and they will be the first in the area to be “Allergy Friendly”. 

The Peoria Chapter will also be donating epinephrine injectors to their local first responders as well as providing CPR/First aid and Food allergy education/certification by the American Heart Association. The Peoria Chapter is hosting their Second Annual 5K Walk/Run for Food Allergy Awareness and Teal Pumpkin Fall Festival on October 12, 2024, in Peoria Heights, Illinois. You can sign up for the race, donate, fundraise or sponsor to help provide epinephrine injectors to local first responders and to help make more restaurants in Peoria, IL allergy friendly. Additional initiatives include; growing our support group, promoting awareness through the Morton Pumpkin Festival Parade & Education Booth and lighting the Murray Baker Bridge red, planning the first area allergy friendly sporting event, providing better access to therapies for our local families and sending a local representative to FARE Courage at Congress.

Sponsorship levels: (Refer to Sponsorship Page for additional information)

Level (1) $100 - Name on signage

Level (2) $250 - Name on signage, Larger text or higher line, Name/logo on emails, website and race shirt, complimentary race entries

Level (3) $500 - All level 2 benefits with larger text or higher line

Level (4) $1,000 - All level 3 benefits with large text or higher line, Name/logo on Race Bib, (4) complimentary race entries or shirts, Premium booth at Teal Pumpkin Fall Festival, Social media tag

Level (5) $2,500 - All level 4 benefits with larger text or higher line, (8) complimentary race entries or shirts

Level (6) $5,000 - All level 5 benefits with larger text or higher line, (16) complimentary race entries or shirts

Donation display or company name: This text will be used for the shirt back if no logo (jpeg & vector) or alternative text is provided to our email address by 9/16/24. Please put only the word "anonymous" in this location if you wish to remain anonymous.

Personal message for this donation: Please use the word "sponsor" in the personal message section to indicate that you are a sponsor.

Additional information about sponsorship/donation benefits will come in a separate email from

Donations (cash and or in-kind) by individuals or teams totaling $250 or more, before deadline below, qualify them to have their name/logo on the shirt back & complimentary race entries or shirts similar to sponsor benefits (see sponsor section).

Donation display or company name: This text will be used for the shirt back if no logo (jpeg & vector) or alternative text is provided to our email address by 9/16/24. Please put only the word "anonymous" in this location if you wish to remain anonymous.

Text limited to (2) words at $250 level. Text limit increases (2) words at each level. Individual or team donor logo may be limited to level $1,000 and above depending on shirt back space availability. Individual donations counted towards a team fundraising goal can not dually be recognized as an individual donation on the shirt.

Additional information about sponsorship/donation benefits will come in a separate email from

Fundraising continues throughout the year (even after our event) until the end of the calendar year. All donations received by year end will go towards our 2024 campaign.

Prizes will be awarded to the top fundraising individuals and teamsBased on totals at the start of the race on event day.

* You may need to create a Race Roster account to checkout. If you get an error please create an account and try again.

** If you would like to take advantage of our additional advertising and be included in the Morton Pumpkin Fest - Red Sneakers - promotional items please submit your logo/name by 8/19

If you have any questions or concerns with registration or donation please contact Race Roster at 1(855) 969 5515 or email

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Date Name Amount
Mar 10 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Mar 07 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Mar 07 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Feb 28 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Feb 28 Anonymous Undisclosed amount