Countdown to Run Melbourne 2025!
Contact information
- Event contact
- Sole Motive
Registration fees
21.1km Priority <1hr 25mins
Now registering Mar 7 – May 22
21.1km Wave A 1hr 26mins - 1hr 45mins
21.1km Wave B 1hr46mins - 1hr55mins
21.1km Wave C 1hr 56mins - 2hrs 6mins
21.1km Wave D 2hrs6mins +
21.1km Wheelchair
10km Priority <40mins
Now registering Mar 7 – May 22
10km Wave A 40mins - 55mins
10km Wave B 56mins - 60mins
10km Wave C 61mins - 70mins
10km Wave D 70mins+
10km Wheelchair
5.5km Priority <20mins
Now registering Mar 7 – May 22
5.5km Wave A 21mins - 35mins
5.5km Wave B 36mins - 40mins
5.5km Wave C 41mins - 50mins
5.5km Wave D 50mins+
5.5km Wheelchair
21.1km Charity Superstar Access code only
10km - Charity Superstar Access code only
This registration is only for those already registered in the Charity Superstar program
5.5km - Charity Superstar Access code only
This registration is only for those already registered in the Charity Superstar program
Corporate Pay Now Access code only
(This option is the pre-purchase of registration codes. How many people will form part of your team? Select the amount of required registration codes and pay for these registrations up-front today. Then give the registration codes to your team to use! Email to gain access to this sub-event).
Standard prices end 22 MaySep 10 - Jul 13