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Isaac Dickson Elementary Parent Teacher Organization

Raise money for Isaac Dickson Elementary Parent Teacher Organization

Become a Literacy Supporter!

Literacy is one of the foundational cornerstones of a successful life. Students with reading difficulties struggle to grasp important learning concepts, underperform on tests, and are less likely to meet educational milestones. Please help Isaac Dickson Elementary PTO raise money to support literacy programs at the school so that all children in Asheville can thrive.

Learn more about our Readers Read Bookstore!

This bookstore is held 3 times a year, before Winter, Spring, and Summer break. Any student who doesn't have a large at home library can come pick out brand new books that are a just-right reading level for them. Younger students get 12 books over the course of the year, older students get 8 books over the course of the year. We have heard from parents that having engaging, just right books to read increases the chances that students read over breaks. Our bookstore serves about a third of the students in our school. 


Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Nov 19 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Nov 14 Jordan Baker $27.48
Nov 04 Anonymous $27.48
Oct 29 Anonymous Reading is a Life Long Joy Undisclosed amount
Oct 24 Heidi Owen $27.48
Sep 04 Anonymous $11.50
Sep 04 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Aug 10 Alex Adkison $27.48
Jul 15 Anonymous Undisclosed amount