Group discounts for 5+ riders are available once the opening 'best price of the year' window closes the week following the event.
$15 off per rider
+taxes and fees
OPTION A - Register in checkout
If you register a team of 5 or 5 individuals in a single transaction, a discount per rider will automatically be applied in the cart. You will need to know all your riders' information before checking out.
OPTION B - Single invoicing & code distribution
If you are registering a team of 5 or more and want to have the discount/benefits of having a team registered, please fill out this form. Once the form is filled out, you will receive an invoice for your team within 48 hours. This purchase will be at a discounted rate.
Once your invoice is paid, your promo code will be sent to you within 1-2 business days, you can then register for the event with the code, create a team, and have your friends/ colleagues/ family join your team, and register using their code!
If you are looking to buy less than 5 gifted registrations, you can purchase your codes through the "Gift Registrations" tab on the left hand side.
OPTION C - Discount code
If you are a club who would rather send out a code to your members, we have the vetted club program to help you do this. Please reach out to with your club name and request for codes. The discount will be the same as above.
*Note: No retroactive discounts will be applied. We are unable to issue refunds after registration has been completed.
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