-The race begins at 7:00am and held at Devil’s Backbone Open Space 1725 Hidden Valley Drive in Loveland. Trail conditions can be access through the website https://www.larimer.org/naturalresources/parks/devils-backbone
-All runners will be able to select a hat with a random patch on it like I did last year.
-The course will be marked by flour arrows. There will be a water stop near the 3 miler mark you will hit it twice. It will be just water and Gatorade if you need more fluids please carry a hydration pack. The aid station will be manned by volunteers from the Loveland High School Band. I will be providing them a donation is appreciation for their help.
-Carpool if possible as this parking lot gets filled up quick. I was informed by the Supervision that you NEED to purchase pass for Devil’s Backbone Open Space or you will be ticketed.
- We will be having our awards ceremony at Loveland Aleworks 118 West 4th Street, Loveland, Colorado 80537 beginning at 10:15 am please check them out at https://www.lovelandaleworks.com/ales Sweet treats at the awards ceremony will be provide by Red Branch Bakery their website is https://redbranchfoods.com/
-We do old school timing after you finish you will receive a stick. That stick represents your overall placing in the race. Please turn this stick in ASAP
The purpose Crazy Legs Race Series (CLRS) is to promote non-pavement/pavement races in the Northwest Indiana region through the development and management of new and existing races. At all our events you will experience fun and challenging course design in a low-key atmosphere. Races will be held in parks or areas in the Lake, Porter and Laporte counties.
The Crazy Legs Race Series would like to begin by acknowledging that the land on which we host our races is the seized territory of the Miami, Shawnee, and Illinois Nations. Refugees from other nations also resided in the area we use, including the Lenape (Delaware). We honor those who have stewarded this land throughout the generations.
Registration fees Spots remaining: 86
Prices are inclusive of mandatory charges, items, and fees
Trail Run Spots remaining: 86
Registration closes in 2 months 14 days-
early bird
Jun 12 – Jan 18 -
$71.53Now registering Jan 18 – May 28
Course Map
The course will begin in the parking lot in Devil’s Backbone Open Space. After the runners enter the trail they will travel .1 of a mile then as the trail splits they will be directed to the right to the Hidden Valley trail. Runners will then travel 2.2 miles until they reach Hunter Loop trail. When Hunters Loop splits they will be directed towards the left. After traveling .3 miles they will begin running on Laughing Horse Loop for .3 miles. When Laughing Horse Loop splits they will directed toward the left again traveling .7 miles. Runners will begin to head back towards the start of race using the.5 mile section of Laughing Horse Loop. By using a loop course with only few sections traveled twice during the race we will limit the possibility of runners running both ways on the trail. Runners will then travel .3 miles on Laughing Horse Loop trail then completing .4 miles and .6 miles sections of Hunter Loop trail until they reach Wild Loop trail. Traveling .8 miles on lower section of Wild Loop then completing the last .4 miles to finish located in parking lot for Devil’s Backbone Trail Head.
Contact information
- Event contact
- Paul E Stofko
- stofko121@yahoo.com
- Phone
- 2198736296