There will be one water station on the course, and Gatorade and water will be waiting for you at the finish line!
The course cutoff for both courses will be 12:00pm.
10K Course Info
The 10K Course starts on Spruce Street by Pack’s Tavern and makes a right on College Street and then a left on Oak Street. From there you’ll run on various streets through downtown Asheville, including Central Avenue, Charlotte Street, Kimberly Avenue and Country Club Road. You’ll pass through the beautiful Grove Park neighborhood and then make your way back via North Market Street and then to Spruce Street for the GRAND FINISH! For turn by turn directions, click on the GPS Route.
5K Course Info
The 5K Course is the same course as last year! It also starts on Spruce Street and makes a right onto College Street and winds through Oak Street, Central Avenue, Charlotte Street and Evelyn Place. You’ll head back on North Market Street and finish back at Spruce Street for the GRAND FINISH! For turn by turn directions, click on the GPS Route.
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