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For participating in Victoria Day Douglas Mile

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Our story…

Dear Family and Friends,

Welcome to my 60th Birthday celebration.  To celebrate my 60 years on earth, I hope to build a team of 60 lovely humans to walk / shimmy / run in the Douglas Mile fundraising event with me, on May 19th 2025 (the day after my 60th) in support of the Parkinson's Wellness Project.  

PWP is an amazing organization which offers all kinds of exercise programs and support for those of us walking our Earthly journey with Parkinson's.

My  team is "The Movers and Shakers" ... I would love you to join  me on the walk, to gather a little (or a lot of) sponsorship or if that's not your scene, I would be grateful of a donation to help me reach the team goal of $3000 ... AND MORE !

It does cost to register on the team.  PWP is waiving the fee for the first 100 people who sign up on a team

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Showing 1 to 8 of 18 entries

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Mar 03 paddy and janet paddy and janet $54.31
Feb 28 Linda Dayton You go, girl! Wishing you a wonderful birthday and much laughter in the coming year! $64.99
Feb 28 Aamena Kapasi Happy Birthday Heather, and happy to support you and this incredible cause! $107.72
Feb 27 Claire Barnes $107.72
Feb 25 Anonymous Happy Birthday! Undisclosed amount
Feb 24 Kathy Hession In honour of my dad who suffered from Parkinson's and good on you Heather for doing this fundraiser. I hope you meet your target. $214.54
Feb 23 Norma Reid I see you with your team of 60 walking the full mile together! What a wonderful way to celebrate Heather! You truly are a mover and shaker! $60.00
Feb 18 Vicky $27.60
Feb 16 Debra Rachar You got this Heather. I’m so proud of you for crafting safe spaces. $27.60
Feb 15 Anonymous Undisclosed amount