The countdown is on!
3rd and 4th May 2025
The Busselton Festival of Triathlon (BFOT), entering its 24th year in 2025, is a beloved event for our WA triathlon community.
Feel the Busselton Buzz for yourself by joining in across two action-packed days. There are distances to suit triathletes of all ages, experience levels, and abilities. Events include the Busselton Kids Triathlon, Busselton Foreshore Triathlon, Busselton 100 and Busselton Aquabike. We also have team options available for Sprint and Busselton 100.
For more information about distances, courses, State Series, Interclub Series or event schedules please head over to our website.
Saturday 3rd May 2025
- Busselton Kids Triathlon Short (7- 15 years)
- Busselton Kids Triathlon Long (10 - 15 years)
- Busselton Foreshore Triathlon Enticer (12 years +)
- Busselton Foreshore Triathlon Sprint (14 years +)
Sunday 4th May 2025
- Busselton 100 (18 years +)
- Busselton Aquabike (18 years +)
Please note
Due to the time of year, athletes competing in the Busselton 100 and Busselton Aquabike must bring a wetsuit. This event has been wetsuit mandatory in the past, so please ensure you have your wetsuit with you on race day.
Racing age for this event is calculated as at 31/12/2024.
NO waitlists are in place for sold-out distances. If spots open up (due to athlete withdrawals), they’ll be available on a first-in basis and announced via Facebook, Instagram, and stories.
Please do not email about joining a waitlist, just keep an eye on our social media.
For assistance with registrations and questions about the event please contact
For system errors, race roster account log in or password help, or payment issues, please contact or call:
- AUS -1800 734 669
- NZ - 0800 734 669
Pricing Information
Pricing overview:
Pricing includes Race Roster Fees and GST.
Pricing listed is for Standard or Premium AusTriathlon members. You must input your AusTri member number when registering.
If you are:
- A non-member, or if your membership has lapsed
- An AusTriathlon Basic or Social member
Please ensure that you select the non member sub event option.
- If all of your team members are AusTriathlon Standard or Premium members, please select the AusTri standard or premium sub event option. You must input your AusTriathlon member number for each person. The team fee is paid by the captain in one payment at the time of registering. Split billing is not available.
- If you have one or more non-members, or Social or Basic members in your team ( even if there is one standard or premium AusTriathlon member in the team), you must select the non-member sub event option. This includes a one day licence fee.
Please note:
- We will be doing membership checks on registered participants. Please ensure you only use your AusTriathlon member number once, and it is the correct number starting with the TA prefix. You must input your current, valid AusTriathlon number otherwise you will need to pay for the ODL.
- If you are required to buy the One Day Licence as above requirements, and did not do so during registration, you will be requested to pay this before racing.
- There is no ODL fee for the Kids Triathlon.
- Pricing tiers are subject to availability, and may close sooner if capacity is sold out.
Registration Guides:
- How to register
- How to edit and change which legs your team are doing
- How to join a team after registration
- How to transfer to another participant
AusTriathlon Information:
Pack Pickup, Bike Racking and Presentations:
Busselton 100 and Aquabike athletes must collect their race packs and rack their bikes the day before the race. Please ensure you arrange accomodation for Saturday night. The Presentations function will be held on Sunday evening, post-race, at a separate venue, so we recommend staying in town until Monday.
Busselton Foreshore Triathlon (Sprint & Enticer) and Kids Triathlon athletes can collect their packs either the day before, or on race morning. Bikes for these events cannot be racked until race morning. Presentations for the Foreshore Triathlon will be held at the event site post-race.
For more information, please refer to the event schedule and athlete guides closer to event day.
- Deferrals are not offered for the 2025 event.
- We will honour existing deferrals from 2024 to the 2025 event. Deferred athletes from 2024 must use their entry for the 2025 event, and will be contacted via email with information about how to claim their entry.
- Transfers are permitted before Wednesday 16 April 2025. This includes changing members in a team. Please refer to the Event Terms and Conditions for full details.
- A full refund up until event day is only available for athletes who purchase the Race Roster Refund Protection on eligible scenarios. This must be purchased at time of registering and is not available after registration. This protection will review refunds on a case by case scenario.
About the refund policy
T and C of the Race Roster Refund Protection - For athletes who do not purchase the Race Roster Refund Policy during registration, only partial refunds are available if requested prior to the specified dates. Please refer to the Event Terms and Conditions for full details.
For a complete Terms and Conditions for all events, visit here
There are some key changes that are important to note:
- No teams option for Busselton Kids Triathlon
- No teams option for Busselton Foreshore Triathlon Enticer distance
- Busselton Kids Triathlon age brackets have been adjusted:
- 7 - 15 years for the short course
- 10 - 15 years for the long course
- Kids triathlon swim starts will be in waves, not a mass start
Contact information
- Event contact
- Athlete Services Manager
- Phone
- 0418 528 855
- Website
- Visit website