Martini's, Manhattan, Moscow Mule and Men!
This one is for the ladies. Get your BFF, get your costume, and get ready to run super fast, jog, walk, or crawl at our Women's Only Run.
Whatever you choose, we will make it memorable. Just know there's a party under the stars waiting for you at the finish line. It's your night so let out your inner diva and do what makes you happy!
As you know, we want all of our events to have a unique theme that will help you remember why you registered and why you came to run with us. We have included a relay option!! SO, along with our individual 5k and 10k options, we are offering the 2-Person 10k relay.
You can sign up as any of the above mentioned options and battle any other team who signs up in this category.
All relay awards will be 1st, 2nd, and 3rd only.
Our vendors are second to none and they care about you having a great time.
If you have done this race before we want you back and we hope you bring friends or whoever else you think would enjoy sharing in our craziness.
The 10k and relay start at dark (8:15pm) for night time fun. The 5k will start at 8:35 p.m. Whether you are going to try out our 10k relay, or choose our traditional 5k or 10k, bring a headlamp or any glow in the dark flare you have.
The run will be on the paved areas of McAllister Park, and we are so excited for this to be our first race back there!!!
This is a fast flat course. You can read more details on the website at: www.scallywompus.com
10k will do 5k route twice. Relay will hand off at start/finish area and each person will complete 5k route once.
Early packet pick up will be:
Thursday July 10th,
Alamo Brewery 4pm to 7pm
And then on race day at the start location from 7 p.m. until the start of your race.
Transfer Info:
Thanks for signing up for our race, sometimes things change and you have to transfer your race entry or change the race, we understand. Please understand that this takes time to make these changes and we charge $20 to make that change or transfer. If you transfer to virtual and want your packet mailed there will be a charge to mail your packet and this charge will be determined as we get closer to the event. Presently it is $12 per packet.
Virtual runners:
We offer the opportunity to run on your own but still sign up for the race. We do not put a limit on when you have to run. If you are injured it might be a few weeks before you can run that distance. Do not stress out. Do it when you can. We do have a virtual tab on our website click there and follow the instructions. If you signed up for virtual, shipping and handling in the U.S is free. International shipping rates apply.
NOTE ABOUT DISCOUNT CODES; If you are 16 or younger, or 70 and over you get an automatic 50% discount. Do not use an additional discount code. You will be disqualified if you combine an additional discount code.
Volunteer sign up will be available closer to the race date.
No Refunds!
Can't wait to see you there!!
All of these things are here to help. We still love you, we just want you to have fun.
Registration fees
Midsummer Nights Dream 5k Walk Only
$40.00Jul 19 - Jul 11
Midsummer Nights Dream 0.05k Fun Run
walk, run, stroll to get out and enjoy the great perks!
$40.00Jul 19 - Jul 11
Midsummer Nights Dream 5k
$40.00Jul 19 - Jul 11
Midsummer Nights Dream Virtual
Lace up anytime, anywhere, any distance. Send us a photo, and record your time on our website. Free shipping in the U.S. International shipping rates apply.
$46.00Jul 19 - Jul 11
Midsummer Nights Dream 10k
$50.00Jul 19 - Jul 11
Midsummer Nights Dream 10k Two Person Relay
This is the 2 person 10k relay option
$79.00Jul 19 - Jul 11
Age Deals
If you are 16 and younger we are giving you at 50% discount we want you to also take ownership of the race. When you finish, if you are able, come to the finish line and help the other runners. Stay and help clean up. You are young and we need your energy to make everything perfect.
Then be an ambassador for running and our running events, help us promote the events and the volunteers where ever you go. And on social media, snapchat, facebook, instagram..etc…
70+ participants will also get 50% off. If you can afford it we request that you make a small donation to marrowmatch. If you can not that is fine. We also ask that you take ownership of these races and help with advice to younger runners to keep them calm and caring.
We want your leadership in our runner community.
Thank you.
Event schedule
- Thu, July 17, 2025 4:00 PM - Packet Pickup
- Fri, July 18, 2025 8:00 PM - Race Day
Contact information
- Event contact
- Bart Childers
- bart@scallywompus.com
- Phone
- +1 210-849-8275
- Website
- Visit website