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Help us raise money

For participating in 2025 Toronto St. Patrick's Day Race

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Our story…

Sienna Khan is a St.Paddy's Day baby and will be celebrating her 5th Birthday running in the St.Paddy's Day run with her crew. They are raising awareness on rare diseases. Sienna's younger sister, Aarya Khan, has been diagnosed with TBCK Syndrome. TBCK Syndrome is a rare multi-organ degenerative disease which affects the lungs, brain, heart and liver. This disease was first diagnosed in 2016 and there is no cure for this disease. Please donate to Easter Seals and help kids, like Aarya, with various disabilities. 

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Feb 12 Jayashree Redkar $54.63
Feb 12 Jayashree Redkar $54.63