All swimmers must swim the prescribed course and ensure that they are accounted for at the end of the swim even if they do not complete the course.
Swimmers must swim in the category for which they are eligible.
All swimmers must wear the prescribed cap and timing device. The timing device remains the responsibility of the participant.
All swimmers must not use extraneous aids, such as flippers, snorkels or floatation clothing or devices.
All swimmers are to behave in a fair and sportsman like manner without interference or aggression from other competitors and any breach of this rule may result in disqualification from the event.
If, in the opinion of any event medical officer or water safety official a competitor is physically or otherwise incapable of starting or completing the event or has been in the water for an ordinate time such competitor may be disqualified from starting or be removed from the water at any time.
The Organisers reserve the right to cancel the event if the weather or swimming conditions are deemed dangerous or unsuitable.
The results will be decided by the Race Director and considered final.