Become a Sponsor! - Sponsorship Levels
Presenting Sponsor - 1 available - $3,500
- Announced as "presenting sponsor" by 'company name' throughout the event, as well as company logo displayed in 'primary spot' on the main staging area
- Company representative participates in the awards ceremony, as well as a 'pre-race' pep talk!
- Marketing :Weekly posts on Family Alliance of Paulding social media recognizing the presenting sponsor, as well as on all race posts
- Presenting sponsor will also be given the opportunity for a "presenting the presenting sponsor video," as well as a Race Day interview LIVE on social media!
- Logo displayed in primary positioning at race, as well as on Race Day t- Shirt using the largest font. Logo will also be included on ALL 5K marketing materials on the website with a link to the company website.
- Includes 10 day registration fees and T-Shirts.
Course Sponsor - 1 available - $2,500
- Company logo will be displayed on the race day banner in 2nd largest font.
- Marketing: Biweekly posts on Family Alliance of Paulding social media recognizing the course sponsor, as well as a Race Day
- Interview LIVE on social media!
- LOGO in secondary location on website with link to company website & on Race Day t-shirt in secondary sponsor
- position in 2nd largest font.
- Includes 8 Race Entries with t-shirts shirts.
- Front of the start/ finish line to start race.
Partner Sponsor - 3 available - $2,000
- Logos will be displayed on the race day banner under upper level sponsors.
- Marketing: Biweekly posts on Family Alliance of Paulding social media recognizing the stage sponsor, as well as a Race Day Interview LIVE on social media!
- LOGO in 2nd location on website with link to company website & on Race Day t-shirt in 2nd sponsor position in 2nd largest font.
- Includes 7 Race Entries with T-Shirts
Platinum Sponsor - 3 available - $1500
- Logos will be displayed under sponsors of upper level sponsors
- 'Company name' announced during the awards.
- Marketing: Monthly posts on Family Alliance of Paulding social media recognizing the sponsor.
- Logo on the website with link to the 'company's website' & on the Race Day t- Shirt with the logo below presenting & course sponsor but above all others.
- Includes 6 Race Entries with T-Shirts.
Gold Sponsor - $750
- 'Company name' announced during awards ceremony & displayed on Race Day on the 'company banner.'
- Marketing: Monthly posts on Family Alliance of Paulding social media recognizing the sponsor.
- Logo on the website with link to the 'company's website' & on Race Day T-Shirt with logo below presenting,
- course, & platinum sponsor but above all others.
- Includes 5 Race Entries with T-Shirts.
Bronze Sponsor - $350
- Logos will be displayed under sponsors of upper level sponsors
- 'Company name' will be announced during the awards ceremony.
- Marketing: Monthly posts on Family Alliance of Paulding social media recognizing the sponsor.
- Logo will be displayed on the website & the company name will be displayed on the Race Day T- Shirt.
- Includes 2 Race Entries with T-Shirts.
Do you have questions about becoming a sponsor? Reach out to for help!
We thank all our sponsors for their generous support!