Come join us for the Key City Classic!!
The race will begin at 8 a.m. on Saturday, April 26th at the corner of Monroe St. and Grove St. in beautiful downtown Vicksburg. The race will consist of a 10K run, 5K run, and 5K walk that are open to all ages and a 1-mile fun run which is open to ages 12 and younger.
The race will be held in conjunction with the Old Courthouse Museum's Spring Flea Market, a fun and popular Vicksburg attraction that sees thousands in attendance. Following the race, we invite you to enjoy the sites and sounds of the Old Courthouse Spring Flea Market and it's over 100 vendor booths.
Overall, Masters, and Grand Masters awards will be given for the 10K run, 5K run, and 5K walk. In addition, each race will give awards for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places in the following age brackets: 19 & under; 20-29; 30-39; 40-49; 50-59; 60--69; 70-79 & 80 and older.
The Key City Classic is a fundraiser for Grace Christian Counseling Center, a non-profit organization that provides mental health counseling, education, and services for individuals, families, and groups. This will be Grace's 17th annual race to host!
We welcome anyone interested in race sponsorship to contact the Grace Christian Counseling Center office at 601-636-5703 or by email at Visit our website at
We'll see you at the starting line!
If you registered after 8:00 p.m. Thursday, April 24, 2025 your bib will not be available until race day morning. Thank you!
Registration fees
10K Run
Price changes in 1 month 5 days-
Individual and Team Registrations
Early Bird Rate
Now registering Sep 11 – Apr 18 -
Registration Fee
Apr 19 – Apr 25
5K Run
Price changes in 1 month 5 days-
Individual and Team registrations
Early Bird Rate
Now registering Sep 11 – Apr 18 -
Registration Fee
Apr 19 – Apr 25
5K Walk
Price changes in 1 month 5 days-
Individual and Team registrations
Early Bird Rate
Now registering Sep 11 – Apr 18 -
Registration Fee
Apr 19 – Apr 25
1 mile fun run
Kids 12 and under only fun run!
$10.00Sep 11 - Apr 25
Contact information
- Event contact
- Laura Price
- Phone
- 601-636-5703