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Independence Classical Academy

Raise money for Independence Classical Academy

About Independence Classical Academy

Making a Difference

Independence Classical Academy will house a small learning environment, with less than 800 students in grades K-12 at full capacity, yet still be able to offer academic rigor, leveled classes, and exceptional student education. We will offer athletics, academic teams, student government, many school-wide and grade-level community service projects and more!

As a small school, we can offer a family-friendly atmosphere and the individual attention students crave during the younger years, encouragement as they grow academically and socially, and engagement as they wrap up their education and prepare for the world.

Mission Statement

Tomorrow Starts Now

Independence Classical Academy exists to provide a disciplined and highly engaging learning environment rich in scholarship, character building, citizenship, moral virtue, civics, and liberal arts. This time-tested, classical liberal arts education will ensure students are highly prepared, through rigorous and relevant core content with an emphasis on literacy, to be highly productive and successful citizens with a strong sense of character and civic responsibility.

Our Philosophy

The Passion of Education

 Independence Classical Academy exists primarily as a response to what has become a merry-go-round of failed education policy, centered on standardized testing, driven by data that is skewed and improperly weighted, and no longer focused on knowledge. These education policies that have left teachers without power, parents without a place, and students without drive have pushed the need for education reform and a return to classical education. An education that is centered on teachers as the authority figure in the classroom. An education in which teachers will again love teaching and students will again love learning!


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Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Feb 01 Angel & Chris Robertson $27.48
Feb 01 Ann Berner $27.48
Jan 31 Angie Maness $27.48
Jan 27 Chaires Davis Undisclosed amount
Jan 27 Sharp Eye Marine Undisclosed amount
Jan 16 Jordan Jones $27.48
Jan 07 Elaine Crossan Undisclosed amount
Jan 07 Richard Lipshay Yeaaa! $107.35
Jan 07 Mac Running is best thing ever $7.24
Jan 05 Anonymous $6.18