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Alberni Valley Rescue Squad

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The Alberni Valley Rescue Squad (AVRS) was incorporated in 1956, and has continuously provided search and rescue services to the Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District on the traditional territories of the c̓išaaʔatḥ, hupačasath, tla-o-qui-aht, Yuułuʔiłʔatḥ, and Huu-ay-aht First Nations. AVRS is one of the oldest Search and Rescue organizations in BC and was heavily involved in the 1964 Tsunami in Port Alberni. Like all other Search and Rescue groups in BC, AVRS now operates under the policies, procedures and guidelines set out by Emergency Management BC, and has evolved into a highly skilled and multidisciplinary team carrying out increasingly complex medical rescues and searches. AVRS members are on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, tasked by agencies such as the BCAS, RCMP, BC Coroners Service, Fire departments, and other SAR groups requesting mutual aid. 

AVRS currently has 41 active members, nearly half of whom are women. Because of the significant variation in terrain, volunteers are trained in a variety of specialty areas such as avalanche response, advanced wilderness medical response helicopter operations, rope rescue, search management/logistics, and swiftwater rescue. AVRS also participates in light urban search and rescue; civil emergency services, and outdoor safety education and advocacy.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Feb 23 Bronwyn Fraser $25.00
Feb 21 Anonymous $10.00
Jan 07 paul wagner $25.00
Jan 05 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Jan 04 Anonymous $25.00
Jan 01 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Dec 28 Anonymous $25.00
Dec 15 Belle McCarthy $50.00
Dec 09 Anonymous $20.00
Dec 09 Anonymous $20.00