- Teammates must stay within 100ft of each other
- Racers under age 13 must be on a team with an adult
- Mandatory gear
- Hydration pack or water bottle
- Map (provided)
- Compass
- Waterproof map bag (could be a ziplock)
- 4 hour race- MTB bike/helmet
- Racers must stay on Greenway property and within designated zones
- No bikes on hike/horse only trails
- Racers will receive one map per team, with pre-plotted CP’s
- Each team will receive a scorecard. Teams must punch the number on the scorecard that corresponds with the numbered CP’s.
- CP’s can be acquired in any order.
- Teams will be ranked by the total number of CP’s they have acquired. In the event of a tie (two teams each acquire the same number of CP’s) the team with the fastest race time will be ranked higher.
- The timing of the event will begin at the start of the race and officially ends when the entire team or soloist crosses the finish line.
- Dropping Out of a Race
- If you cannot complete a race, proceed to the TA or Start/Finish and check in with a volunteer/race staff. Unless there is a medical emergency, teams are responsible for making their way back to the start/finish should they decide to drop from the race
Grounds for Disqualification
- Leaving/abandoning a teammate
- Mode of travel not specific for each leg of race
- Use of any electronic navigation device (e.g., GPS)
- Littering on course
- Non-assistance of person in danger
- More than 1 hour late to the start line or 20 minutes late to cutoff time.
- Disobeying instructions from a race official
- Unauthorized use of a road or trail
- Accepting equipment from any source other than teammates or other racers during the event
- Open fires (in a non-emergency situation)
- Non emergency use of cell phone or radio expect as noted above
- Not wearing a helmet during mountain biking sections
- Possession or use of a weapon
- Sabotage
- Violation over the identity of a competitor or change of a team member during the event
- Removing or damaging a trail sign, marking, or CP.
- Lack of respect for other racers, volunteers, race staff, equipment, or the environment. This will be dealt with on a case by case basis and is at the discretion of race management.