2025 Winter/Spring Ultra Marathon Training Program
Sacfit Ultra is celebrating it's 13th season and, as such, has the distinction as being the first and oldest ultra marathon training team in the region! We have trained hundreds of advanced, intermediate, and beginning runners to successful finishes in myriad trail races ranging from half marathon distances to 100+ miles.
We combine an atmosphere of fun and social team building with a serious and challenging training program, all under the auspices of expert personalized coaching and comprehensive resources.
The training program consists of weekend supervised workouts (shorter mileage on Saturdays and the longer mileages on most Sundays), and midweek workouts focused on shorter and moderate length mileages, strength training, and specialized workouts to round out a typical week.
More Point-to-point Workouts
Tired of out-and-back workouts where you only gain experience and training on half the route or course in a given workout, and/or spending extra non-workout hours carpooling back and forth? With our new luxurious passenger transport vehicle, Sacfit Trail Ultra offers more point-to-point workouts to maximize your workouts and familiarity with all the courses you're training for, not to mention enhancing the terrain variety. Sacfit Ultra is the only Ultra-marathon training program in the region to offer this feature.
Sacfit Ultra App
Connect your Garmin, Strava, or other tracking devices or software to the Sacfit Ultra App and consolidate all your training stats for your own review or consult with your coach. Also, you have your entire workout schedule at your fingertips. But that's where the similarities to other training apps ends!
Unique features to the Sacfit Ultra App include voice-navigated routes for various weekend long routes and mid-week routes (no more getting lost); written and video articles detailing specialized workouts and related training information, and a private social group (no need to have a FB account) to name a few. This app is the most comprehensive training app out there, bar none.
The training program is tailored toward various Winter and Spring ultra marathon events, including the American River 25, Salmon Falls 50K, Way Too Cool 50K, Fourmidable races, American River 50-mile, Miwok 100K, and Canyons 100K.
For those entered in the Western States 100 mile race, we also provide and extension training program from April through June.
Our first meeting is a Zoom Meeting format on Saturday, January 4, at 5:00 p.m.
Location Address is: Link Sent via Email.
Attendance at the orientation is highly recommended as the season schedule and other pertinent particulars about the program will be presented. Dress in regular clothing, as there is no workout following the meeting.
We will be serving drinks and snacks, as well as passing out useful trail items to complement your training experience.
This program is designed for a broad spectrum of trail-runner abilities from intermediate and advanced road runners looking to train for her or his first Ultra Marathon to seasoned trail runners wanting to improve upon particular trail running techniques, strategy, pace, and/or race time goals, including qualifying for and racing the Western States 100-mile Endurance Run event.
Additional Details
The program schedule is tailored to the 2025 Winter and Spring ultra marathon calendar, including Salmon Falls 50K, Way Too Cool 50K, and American River 50 Mile, and can be individually tailored for other race goals as well.
Note: For those who’ve qualified for Western States 100 or are training for the Canyons 100K or Miwok 100K, we also provide an informal, yet highly structured, supplemental training program for those races.
Because our program is geared toward strong coaching interaction with each individual teammate, the 2025 Sacfit Ultra team is limited to 54 people.
Ultra Marathon Program Features
- Expert coaching and mentor support. Coaches are veteran ultra-runners having completed numerous ultras including WTC, Salmon Falls, AR50, Pioneer 50, RDL100K, Black Canyons 100K, Javelina 100, and Western States 100.
- Coach-led weekend workouts.
- Coach-supervised mid-week workouts for stair, track, and tempo venues.
- Sacfit Ultra App to provide the highest and most accurate individualized coaching and analysis. The app also contains the training schedule, and the vast Sacfit Ultra Resource Library, which contains comprehensive informational and instructional material related to Ultra Marathon training and related peripherals
- In-person and e-mail support for individual questions regarding training and running related issues.
- Whole season schedule provided at the beginning of the program.
- Proven training program that maximizes success and minimizes injury. (98.5% of the past Sacfit Ultra team members entering various 50K, 50-mile, 100K and 100-mile races have finished within the cutoff.
- Multiple training venues to provide comprehensive coverage and afford thorough knowledge of the entire WTC 50K, Salmon Falls 50K, and AR25 and AR50 courses.
- Knowledgeable guest speakers covering various ultra marathon and trail running subject.
- Sacfit Ultra Runners is aligned with Fleet Feet Folsom and Roseville. We will have seminars during the season to provide invaluable knowledge in the areas of apparel, footwear, form, core work & stretching, as well as a pre-race review of the WTC, Salmon Falls, and AR50 races.
- Oasis Stations (more than just water and electrolyte) provided for select weekend workouts, including post-workout snacks.
- Technical Team Jersey with Sacfit Ultra team logo.
- Discounts at Fleet Feet Folsom and Roseville.
- Inspirational, encouraging, knowledgeable, and motivational coaching!
While our program accommodates a broad spectrum of athletic talent, fitness, and experience, ultra-marathon training is a serious and challenging endeavor requiring certain minimum aptitudes. The Ultra Marathon training program requires the following prerequisites:
Fitness Requirements:
- You must have trained for a marathon distance or completed a marathon during November or December of 2024.
- You should be able to comfortably run on a flat surface with a pace of 14:00 per mile or faster for a distance of at least 15 miles.
Additional Details
- Registration into training program does not include Ultra Marathon race entry fees.
- There are no refunds at any time for any reason.
- There are no exchanges or transfers at any time for any reason.
When does the season start?
Orientation is on Saturday, January 4, 2025 @ 5PM, which is informational only - No workout. Actual workouts begin Sunday, January 5, 2025. Online registration is open continuously until the end of February.
What is the time commitment? Will my entire weekend be about training?
The Sacfit Ultra program is built on the time-tested, science-based, and success-proven training model of back-to-back weekend mileages, with a shorter Saturday workout and a longer Sunday workout (with Monday and Friday rest days). That said, the actual number of back-to-back training weekends are only 7 out of the 13 weekends, and there are six No-run Sundays - meaning only a shorter Saturday workout for those particular weekends or your goal race.
With regard to actual workout hours, we gauge the workout start times based on the workout distances and adjust so you'll finish between 10AM and Noon. A couple workouts may extend one or two hours beyond Noon, but our goal is to not eat up the entire day!
Where is the training location and what time does it meet?
We meet at various locations throughout the California Foothills and American River Watershed.
- Our January 5 workout is at Phoenix Park in Orangevale. We start our training at 7:00 A.M. Click here for map.
- Our January 12 workout is at Sterling Pointe in the Granite Bay/Newcastle area. We start our training at 8:15 A.M. Click here for map.
Can I sign up in person?
Yes. The best time to register in person is at the Orientation meeting - either before or after the meeting. After that, you can register at any workout or online.
Can I pay with a credit card?
Yes. We take cash, check, or credit card.
What if I can't make it to the orientation meeting?
Not a huge problem. Depending on interest, we will look into a tentative alternate orientation at the beginning of January. But endeavor to make the December orientation. Lots of pertinent information will be provided. Plus the season schedule will be provided at that time, so you can plan your 2025 training calendar well in advance. The orientation is also a great opportunity to ask questions. But if you can't make it, that doesn't mean you can't still join.
How much does the program cost?
Sacfit's 13-week program costs only $175 for new members and $150 for returning members. And for all you get, it's the best bargain in town!
What is included in the sign-up fee?
1. Team jersey (Tank, Short Sleeve, or Long Sleeve)
2. Individualized Coaching
3. Ability-based group workouts
4. Trail-Running Clinics
5. Fitness and Nutrition Seminars
6. Track workout Clinics
7. Discounts at Sports Apparel stores
8. Saturday Family Picnic Breakfast
9. Sunday Burgers and Beers team building BBQ
Registration fees
Prices are inclusive of mandatory charges, items, and fees
New Member
$175.00Dec 2 - Apr 10
Returning Member
$160.00Dec 2 - Apr 10
Contact information
- Event contact
- Ken Press
- sacfit@gmail.com
- Phone
- 916-212-9925