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Help Leah raise money

For participating in 2025 Move Your Paws for the Polar Bear Cause 5K & 1K

My Story

I have been participating in this walk since the year it began. Hoping for another amazing year supporting Polar Bear Conservation!


With a fundraising goal of $35,000, every dollar raised will directly support your Toronto Zoo’s Polar Bear Life Support System (LSS) Project. This project involves modifications to the existing pool for our four polar bears, including new housing for advanced mechanical and filtration systems to allow for a saltwater system and adapting the current Tundra Trek pathway. These bears are used to saltwater and by upgrading our polar bear habitat, we will improve the experience and overall, well being for the bears currently living at the Toronto Zoo. 

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Feb 20 Aunt Heather $30.00
Feb 13 Leana $54.63
Jan 01 Byron & Pat Corner $81.47