1. The 2025 National MILO® Marathon is organized by RUNRIO, INC. with local partners in all regional qualifying races nationwide.
2. Interested participants are required to pay a non-refundable entry fee alongside the accomplished and signed official registration form.
(Standard) Registration Entry Fees:
42.195 Qualifying Race | P 2299 | P2,499 |
21K Half Marathon Race | P 1799 | P 1,999 |
10K Run | P 1399 | P1,599 |
5K Champion Family (Family of 5) | P 2799 | P2,999 |
5K Champion Family (Family of 4) | P 2099 | P2,299 |
5K Champion Family (Family of 3) | P 1399 | P1,599 |
5K Kids ( Kids/Adults) | P 699 | P899 |
3K (Kids/Adults) | P 299 | P499 |
*FREE MILO packs
3. Participants must be 18 years and above, at the time of the race, to participate in the Full Marathon (42.195-K) and Half Marathon (21-K). Each runner will have to secure an official ‘Fit-To-Run’ medical certificate signed by a licensed physician within 2 months before race day. Participants who are found to have tampered their medical certificates will automatically waive their insurance coverages.
4. Participants must be 16 years and above at the time of the race, to participate in the 10-K race.
5. Participants must be 7 years and above on the race day to participate in the 3-K & 5-K category.
For the 3-K category, there will be a kiddie run competition exclusive for participants aged 7 to 12 years old. They are required to submit a photocopy of their NSO birth certificate or current school ID.
For the 5-K category, the competition is open to everyone aged 7 years old and above.
6. 10-K, 5-K, & 3-K participants below the age of 18 must seek their parental/guardian consent and fill up the entry form where the parent/guardian is required to sign.
7. Schedule of races is as follows:
8. Only local participants (Filipinos and foreigners with working visa) can join and win in the 42.195-K and 21-K qualifying races. Overseas participants may join but are not eligible to win.
9. Start time per category is as follows:
42K (Selected Areas only ) TBA
21K (Manila) TBA
21K (Provincial) TBA
10. Participants may claim their race packets through an onsite race kit claiming activity. Schedule and venue of said activity must be announced at least two weeks prior to ensure enough time for information dissemination to all registered participants. The route map can be viewed at the official MILO website. Race numbers/bibs are non-transferable and cannot be replaced,organizers are not liable for lost bibs. Registered runners who will ask another person to use their bibs on the race day will be disqualified from the race, be held liable for any untoward event which will transpire during the conduct of the race, and be banned from the event for a year.
11. The reverse side of the race number must be duly filled out. Participants must wear the assigned race number on his/her chest. Participants not wearing a race number will be taken off the course by the race marshals.
12. Pets, bicycles, motorcycles, vehicles and any other wheel-run objects are not allowed on the course other than the official race and medical vehicles.
13. Participants being paced during the race by a person who is not officially registered in the National MILO® Marathon and accepting assistance from non-race participants will be disqualified.
14. Participants who begin before the actual start time of his/her race category will be disqualified. Likewise, participants who do not start within 10 minutes from their respective flag off will be disqualified and may not be allowed to start. No result will be given to disqualified participants.
15. “Gun Time” will be considered to determine the winners. Elite runners are advised to be ready in the starting line at least 15 minutes before gun time and are encouraged to stay at the front of the assembly area.
16. Participants must retire from the race immediately if asked or requested to do so by any member of the organizing committee. Race officials, marshals, medical staff, and security officers have the right to pull-out any participant deemed not physically fit to continue the race.
17. Participants in the 21-K provincial qualifying races will have two ways to qualify and compete in the 42.195-K Manila Race:
a. Top 2 male and Female winners of the first 3 NMM Races are eligible for all expense privileges. For qualifiers on races in Laoag, Batangas, and Mandaue, it is their responsibility to contact the national race organizer on or before April 1, 2025, to coordinate their travel arrangements to Manila. it is their responsibility to contact the national race organizer on or before the confirmation deadline. Those who will not compete in the Manila Race forfeit all their privileges.
b. Participants finishing the race within the specified age bracket and time below will qualify. All expenses related to their participation will be shouldered by the qualifier.
Age Group | Men | Women |
18-34 | 1 hr 40min | 1hr 50 min |
35-39 | 1hr 45 min | 1hr 55min |
40-44 | 1hr 50 min | 2hrs 00min |
45-49 | 1hr 55 min | 2hrs 05min |
50-54 | 2hrs 00min | 2hrs 10min |
55-59 | 2hrs 05 min | 2hrs 15min |
60-64 | 2hrs 10 min | 2hrs 20min |
65-69 | 2hrs15min | 2hrs 20min |
70 & up | 2 hrs 20 min | 2hrs 25min |
Age Group | Men | Women |
18-34 | 3hrs 55min | 4hrs 30min |
35-39 | 4hrs 00min | 4hrs 35min |
40-44 | 4hrs 05min | 4hrs 40min |
45-49 | 4hrs 10min | 4hrs 45min |
50-54 | 4hrs 15min | 4hrs 50min |
55-59 | 4hrs 20min | 4hrs 55min |
60-64 | 4hrs 25min | 5hrs 00min |
65-69 | 4hrs 30min | 5hrs 05min |
70 & up | 4hrs 40min | 5hrs 55min |
20. Qualifiers are entitled to the following:
a. free registration fee
b. free running singlets
c. free ticket to the MILO MARATHON CHAMPION’s DINNER.
21. All winners in the 21-K, 10-K, 5-K, and 3-K races (top 10 male and female) CAN NO LONGER compete in any of the succeeding MILO Marathon races.
22. Only Filipino runners in the 42.195-K Manila race are eligible to win the top 3 slots. Top Male and Female shall be recognized as the grand champions.
23. The race organizer reserves the right to reject any entrant or disqualify any participant who is suspected to be under the influence of alcohol or having taken banned substances and any participant who is found to have misrepresented himself/herself. If his/her identity of eligibility is challenged, it is the responsibility of the participant to prove his/her identity. Participants found to have been dishonest are immediately disqualified and subjected to disciplinary sanctions by the race organizer.
24. All expense-confirmed qualifiers in the 42.195-K who decide not to join the MILO Marathon Finals in Manila are prohibited from competing in the other race categories of the Manila Finals (i.e., 21-K, 10-K and 5-K races).
25. Provincial (all expense) qualifiers in the 42.195-K who were able to collect their travel allowances and at the last minute decide not to join and compete in the Manila Finals without prior advice to the race organizer will be banned from joining the succeeding MILO® marathon races for 12 months from the date of the National Finals.
26. Each race category has an official cut-off time that will commence right after the last runner has crossed the starting line:
42.195-K Race | 6 Hours after the official start of the race |
21K Race | 2 ½ hours after the official start of the race |
10K Race | 2 hours after the official start of the race |
5K Race | 1 hour after the official start of the race |
3K race | 1 hour after the official start of the race |
27. In order to ensure timely re-opening of roads to normal traffic, the race organizer will designate time limits at specified distances. Participants who fail to reach these specific distances within the times specified must stop running and board the official vehicle. They are automatically disqualified and will be taken directly to the finish venue. Disqualified runners will not be entitled to the finisher’s medal (where applicable).
Category | Distance | Time Limit |
21K Race | At 10K | 1 ½ hours |
42K Race | At 21K | 3 ½ hours |
42K Race | At 32K | 5 hours |
28. Participants in the 3K and 5K race categories are strongly encouraged not to bring any type of bag(s) on race day. The baggage area provided is solely for longer distance categories such as 10K, 21K, & 42K. The race organizer will not be responsible for any lost item.
29. All protests related to results must be made in writing and submitted within one (1) hour after the end of the race to the race organizer. A non-refundable protest fee amounting to P5,000 is required. Verbal protests will not be entertained.
30. The race organizer may change, without prior notice, any of the rules and regulations that they may deem necessary to ensure the success of the race. The race organizer’s decision is final.
31. Trophies, medals, and cash prizes will be given to the top finishers of the ten (10) qualifying races and the National Finals. Prizes are as follows:
Boys and Girls Divisions:
Champion: P1,500 + Trophy 4th- 10th Place: Medal
Runner-up: P1,000 + Trophy
3rd Place: P500 + Trophy
Men’s & Women’s Divisions:
Champion: P2,500 + Trophy 4th- 10th Place: Medal
Runner-up: P1,500 + Trophy
3rd Place: P1,000 + Trophy
10K Run
Men’s & Women’s Divisions:
Champion: P5,000 + Trophy 4th- 10th Place: Medal
Runner-up: P3,000 + Trophy
3rd Place: P2,000 + Trophy
Note: All 10-K finishers within the cut-off time will receive a finisher’s medal and a loot bag.
21K & 42K (Provincial Races including Manila)
Men’s & Women’s Divisions:
Champion: P10,000 + Trophy 4th- 10th Place: Medal
Runner-up: P6,000 + Trophy
3rd Place: P4,000 + Trophy
Note: All 21-K finishers will receive the loot bag and finisher’s shirt. Only those who finish within the cut-off time will be eligible to receive the medal and certificate.
42.195K Full Marathon National Finals
Men’s & Women’s Divisions:
Champion: P50,000 + Trophy 4th to 10th place - Medal
Runner-up: P30,000 + Trophy
3rd Place: 20,000 + Trophy
The fastest Filipino 42.195K winners (male & female) in the MILO® Marathon National Finals will be dubbed as the 2024 MILO® Marathon King and Queen respectively.
All 42.195K finishers within the cut-off time will receive a medal, loot bag, finisher’s shirt.
Finishers in all categories within the cut-off time will receive a certificate of finish.
Winners must be physically present to receive their awards during the awarding ceremony. Winners who are not physically available at the awarding will forfeit all their prizes.
Results will be uploaded within three (3) working days after each race. Visit for more details.
Side Events:
1. Biggest School Delegation Competition:
To join, schools must submit their entry forms at the same time. Students must indicate the name of their school on the entry form and submit a photocopy of their school ID for the current school year (front and back). To qualify, a minimum of 50 students must finish the race. The top three schools in each area with the most students finishing the 5-K Fun Run and the 3-K Kiddie Run will win the awards. In case of a tie, the winning school will be determined according to the best time recorded.
First Prize: P 10,000 worth of sports equipment + trophy
Second Prize: P 7,000 worth of sports equipment + trophy
Third Prize: P 5,000 worth of sports equipment + trophy
2. Cheerleading Competition:
There are three divisions: Grade School, High School, and College. Each division will have a separate set of winners who will receive cash prizes and plaques as follows:
First Prize: P 10,000 worth of sports equipment + plaque
Second Prize: P 7,000 worth of sports equipment + plaque
Third Prize: P 5,000 worth of sports equipment + plaque
Consolation: P 3,000 worth of sports equipment + plaque
Each team must have at least a minimum of 25 performers and a maximum of 50 including props men, and spotters. Any excess beyond the maximum number of participants will merit a point deduction equivalent to the total excess number of participants.
Performers must show coordination, spirit, gracefulness, flexibility, and energy while doing their stunts, gymnastics, and dance routines. Grade school and high participants are encouraged to use MILO jingles and labels as props. College participants are encouraged to use MILO labels as props.
The cheer should:
For grade school and high school participants:
a. Boost the pride of the marathon participants
b. Communicate the importance of getting into sports
c. Show how MILO gives the energy athletes need for sports
For college participants:
a. Boost the pride of the marathon participants
c. Show how MILO gives the energy adult athletes need for sports
1. The contest shall be open to a maximum of FOUR (4) teams per division. Only one cheerleading team per school will be allowed to join. The selection shall strictly be on a “first come, first served” basis.
1. Contest will start at exactly 6:00 AM.
1. Props must be set on the performance floor as quickly as possible. Teams will have 2 minutes to place everything in order.
2. Time limit will be a minimum of three (3) minutes and a maximum of five (5) minutes.
3. Timing will begin with the first organized word, movement, or note of music by the team after they are officially announced and have taken the floor. The routine must begin within the marked performance area. All team members must come to a complete standstill before beginning their routine.
4. Timing will end with the last organized word, movement, or note of music by the team.
5. Teams must exit the performance area within 2 minutes after the routine. An excess of (5) seconds or more will merit a five (5) point deduction on the performance score.
6. Any skill performed before or after the allotted routine time is prohibited and will be penalized with a five (5) point deduction.
7. Pyramid-building and stunts will be allowed up to two levels only and must be performed within the 10-meter x 10-meter safety floor mats. Violation will merit a five (5) point deduction.
8. Filipino & English language is allowed for the cheer.
All teams must have their performance music stored on a flash drive which must be submitted to the organizers before the rehearsals on Event Day. A digital copy of the music Must be emailed to the cheer dance coordinator before the event day, serving as a backup in case the flash drive becomes corrupted or defective.
Cued music must be submitted to the sound system operator during the event proper on or before 5:30 AM. The copy of digital music must be clearly labeled with the name of the team.
A representative of the team is responsible for starting and stopping the music at the appropriate times of the routine.
Music with overtly sexual content, and racist or vulgar lyrics is prohibited.
Choreography with vulgar or suggestive movements is prohibited.
Routines must be appropriate for kids viewing and listening.
1. In the event of an injury, music and/or technical error, or any other unexpected event, the head judge and local race organizer reserves the right to stop the routine.
2. The team may perform their routine from the beginning. However, judging and timing will resume from the point at which the interruption occurred as determined by the judges.
1. Spotters must be provided by the participating team. These spotters must not be participating members in the routine. These spotters shall wear designated attire.
1. For the competition, participants will select their performance order through a balloting system. Participating teams must be at the venue before 5:30 AM for the drawing of lots. Latecomers will be disqualified from the competition but they can still perform as guests.
1. The decision of judges is final and non-appealable. No representative from any of the contestants is allowed to contact in any manner whatsoever any judge with the intention of questioning the BOARD OF JUDGES announced decision.
PERFORMANCE = 40 points
Expression - 5 points
Points to be aware of: Facial expression, Voice Infection, Props, Cheer
Sideline Arm Motion - 5 points
Points to be aware of: Sharpness, Powerfulness, Speed,
Placement, Synchronization
Dance- 5 points
Points to be aware of: Sharpness, Strength, Cheerfulness,
Speed, Accuracy, Synchronization, Variety of Movement
Jumps - 5 points
Points to be aware of: Accuracy, Height, Cleanliness,
Flexibility, Landing, Variety, Difficulty, Number, Synchronization
Tumbling - 5 points
Points to be aware of: Accuracy, Skill Level, Height,
Landing, Variety, Difficulty, Number
Partner Stunts - 5 points
Points to be aware of Stability, Timing, Technique, Difficulty
Transitions, Positioning, Control, Dismount
Pyramids - 10 points
Points to be aware of Stability, Timing, Technique, Difficulty
Transitions, Positioning, Control, Dismount
DIFFICULTY = 20 points
Overall Difficulty - 10 points
Points to be aware of Skill level, Standard level, Speed
Speed Transition - 10 points
Points to be aware of: Sharpness of skills, Timing, Flow
Synchronizations - 10 points
Points to be aware of; Precision, Placement, Timing
Overall Evaluation - 5 points
Points to be aware of: Choreography, Formation, Spacing
Perfection - 5 points
Points to be aware of: Overall perfection
COSTUME = 5 points
PROPS (with MILO® labels / MILO® NUTRI UP labels) = 5 points
A deduction can be applied between 0.5 and 5.0 points and is applied mainly for the following;
Bobbles (shaky) – stunts and pyramids
Falls - stunts and pyramids
Poor techniques
Shortage of spotters
Disordered formation
Note: Safety, time and out-of-bounds are not included here.
Integrity will be the utmost consideration for the Cheerleading Competition of the 2024 National MILO® Marathon. Participants in the Cheerleading competition must be current bona fide students of the school they are representing, and must only perform for the educational level they are currently in. For example, if a college student is found to participate in the High School category, the entire group will be disqualified from winning the competition.
Rules and Regulations for PWD Registration in MILO Marathon
1. Objective
The PWD Registration program aims to foster inclusivity and encourage participation among individuals with disabilities in a supportive, non-competitive environment.
2. Eligibility
Open to participants with physical, visual, hearing, or intellectual disabilities.
PWD participants can join the 3K,5K & 10K categories.
A valid PWD ID or a medical certificate confirming the disability must be presented during registration.
Participants under 18 must provide a signed parental or guardian consent form.
3. Registration Process
PWD participants can register online using the following steps:
Visit the Official registration link.
Navigate to the designated registration page for the event.
Look for the section specifically labeled for Persons with Disabilities (PWD) registration or an option to register as a PWD participant.
Fill Out the Registration Form. Complete the online form with your personal information, including your name, contact details, and emergency contact. Indicate your specific needs or requirements (e.g., mobility assistance, guide runners) in the provided section.
Upload a scanned copy or photo of a valid PWD ID or medical certificate confirming your disability. If you are under 18, upload a signed parental or guardian consent form.
Register a Guide Runner or Assistant (if applicable) Add the details of your guide runner or assistant, if applicable, during registration. Ensure that their registration is linked to your own to facilitate free or discounted entry.
Review and Submit. Carefully review your details to ensure accuracy. Submit the form and complete the registration process. After successful submission, you will receive a confirmation email with your registration details.
For further assistance or troubleshooting during online registration, contact the support team via the hotline number provided on the registration page.
4. Guide Runners and Assistants
PWD participants may register with a guide runner or assistant free of charge.
Registered assistants must remain with their assigned participants throughout the race to ensure safety and support.
5. Attire and Equipment
All participants must wear the official race bib and timing chip provided by the organizers.
Wheelchair participants are required to use manual wheelchairs; motorized devices are not allowed for safety reasons.
Prosthetics, mobility aids, or assistive devices are permitted, provided they do not pose a risk to other participants.
6. Safety and Support
The event will ensure safety measures and facilities tailored to PWD participants, including medical assistance stations and designated support staff.
Any participant requiring additional accommodations is encouraged to inform the organizers during registration.
By participating in the MILO Marathon, PWD registrants and their assistants agree to adhere to these rules and regulations. These measures are in place to create a safe, enjoyable, and empowering experience for all participants.