We are an incredible group of runners that support, encourage and motivate each other. We offer run groups, training programs and events for runners of all levels.
Learn to Run, 5km, 10km, Half Marathon, Marathon, Ultra-Marathon and Personalized Running Programs
Current group run times are as follows
5:15am - Early Morning Run - Coffee Culture (St Thomas)
6:30am - Morning Run - Coffee Culture (St Thomas)
6:00pm - Treadmill Bootcamp (St Thomas Health Club)
6:30am - Morning Run - Water Works Hill (St Thomas)
5:15am - Early Morning Run - Coffee Culture (St Thomas)
6:30am - Morning Run - Coffee Culture (St Thomas)
6:00pm - Adventure Run - Sport in Port
6:30am - Morning Run - Water Works Hill (St Thomas)
6:00pm - Treadmill Bootcamp (St Thomas Health Club)
5:15am - Morning Run - Coffee Culture (St Thomas)
6:30am - Morning Run - Coffee Culture (St Thomas)
8:00am - Various Locations - TBA
8:00am - Long Run - Sport in Port
Private training and coaching sessions also available.
Purchase options
Personalized Running Package
This monthly package includes a weekly one on one coaching session, access to any and all group runs, an online training plan and discounts on Run For Your Life products and services.
Running For Weight Loss
Annual Membership
What is a RFYLifer?
A member of an incredible group of runners who support, encourage and motivate each other
What do you get for being a RFYLifer?
Access to any and all RFYL run groups
Run For Your Life store discounts
Discounts on Bus Trips
Discounts on training programs and coaching
Extended early entry rates of Run For Your Life events
The support and encouragement of this incredible running club
And more…
Runners – Need more accountability? Package 1
3 days a week for 6 weeks, show up to every run group and get $180 back in store credit.
Join our Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/491817344304851/
Runners – Need more accountability? Package 2
3 days a week for 6 weeks. Each time you attend a group run you get $10 cash back.
Also please join our Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/491817344304851/
Runners – Need more accountability? Package 3
Everyday for 21 days. Once completed you receive $100 store credit.
Also join our Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/491817344304851/
Summer in Port Stanley Fitness Package
6 weeks of Fun and Fitness in Beautiful Port Stanley over $500 value
Learn to Run
This is a 12 week training program that includes 3 sessions per week where you will learn correct running form and proper stretching techniques. During the program you will gradually progress from running 1 minute intervals to running 5km's. We offer flexible classes and indoor and outdoor training.
10km Training
Run your first or your fastest 10K. This 12 week program builds on your already established base and introduces new techniques to prepare you for your 10K race.
Half Marathon Training
Run your first or your fastest Half Marathon this Year. This 16 week program builds on your already established base and introduces new techniques to prepare you for a great race.
3 to 5 days a week
This program will incorporate hill training, speedwork and weekly long runs.
Marathon Training
Run your first or your fastest Marathon this Year. This 19 week program builds on your already established base and introduces new techniques to prepare you for a great race.
4 to 6 days a week
This program will incorporate hill training, speedwork and weekly long runs.
Ultra Marathon Training
Are you ready to go the distance? This 18 week Ultra Marathon program builds on your already established base and introduces new techniques to prepare you for a great race.
5 to 6 days a week
This program will incorporate hill training, speedwork and weekly back to back long runs.
Treadmill Bootcamp
Run quicker
Recover faster
Stay warm during winter months
Work on form
Burn holiday calories
Flexible time to meet anyone schedule
2 day per week for 12 weeks
Gym membership
Also available
-bio-mechanical assessment
-nutrition planning
-one on one coaching
-24 hour gym access