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Fort York Food Bank

Raise money for Fort York Food Bank

For more than a decade, FYFB been delivering a program of integrated services focused on reconnecting people with our community. We do this by working with partners who share our vision to:

  • Feed the hungry - provide the basic nutritional requirements to individuals and families in need.

  • Help people get on track - provide counselling, training and advocacy to help people find jobs, safe housing and appropriate social/community programs.

Core Programs & Services

  • Our Food Program provides a three-day supply of groceries, consistent with the Canada Food Guide, to low income individuals and families within our community.

  • Our Information & Support program prevents homelessness and eliminates hunger by assisting our clients to resolve the underlying issues affecting them. Our volunteers are trained counsellors including lawyers, accountants and other professionals.

  • Our Community Drop-In Centre delivers a range of personal services in a safe environment including meals through a community kitchen, internet/computer access along with clothing and books.

  • Our Community Vitality program helps engage our client base with the broader community through economic development initiatives, life-skills/nutrition classes, computer training, special events and a community garden.

Who We Serve

The population using our services lives in extreme poverty in the downtown Toronto area. We assist a diverse group of people comprised of various family sizes and ethno-cultural communities who survive on an average of less than $4 per day after paying for their occupancy expenses. The vast majority of our clients are recently unemployed or underemployed. FYFB provides the integrated set of services they require to reintegrate with our community.

For a chance to win our TOP FUNDRAISING PRIZE, a $2200 Reebok Cross Fit Membership, please set up your participant page by logging in and create your personal URL address to send to friends and family for support.


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Dec 09 Kirsty Brownlie CA$25.00
Nov 30 Anonymous CA$25.00
Nov 28 Anonymous CA$25.00
Nov 14 Anonymous CA$25.00
Nov 11 Sean O'Connor CA$25.00
Oct 29 Josh Hopkin CA$25.00
Oct 24 Betty Verhovany CA$25.00
Oct 05 Kyle Young CA$25.00
Oct 01 Susan Bergen CA$25.00
Sep 30 Anonymous CA$25.00