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Participant's Charity of Choice

Raise money for Participant's Charity of Choice

Participants can raise and donate pledges to the Charity of their Choice.

Please click on 'Pledge a Participant' to donate to the Participants chosen charity, or continue here to make a general donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Jul 06 Rodney Goetz CA$100.00
Jun 14 Laurie Fitz-Henry CA$50.00
Jun 13 Beth Stewart CA$25.00
Jun 13 Anonymous CA$100.00
Jun 11 Dana Shortt CA$50.00
May 11 Tanya M CA$25.00
May 11 Dean Froome CA$250.00
Apr 27 Mary Cole CA$50.00
Apr 25 Nick Wagner CA$25.00
Apr 19 Srimati Sen CA$25.00