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Help Jodie raise money

For participating in Sheraton Celebrity Dance Off

My Story…

For the past 8 years I have been the Premium Account Executive for the Calgary Sports and Entertainment, the company that owns my four most loved sports teams who are the Flames, Hitmen, Stamps and Roughnecks. I am very passionate in my role as Special Olympic Coach for the Calgary Floor Hockey Team. We won gold at the 2015 Alberta Provincial Winter Games and went on to win Bronze at the 2016 National Special Olympics in Corner Brooks, Newfoundland. In 2016 I was honored to be named Calgary Special Olympic Female Coach of the Year and Alberta Special Olympic Coach of the Year. Growing up with 4 brothers, there were no dance classes, just sports! I have absolutely no dance moves other than my signature “Sexy Schreiner Shoulder Shrug”. I only like being the centre of attention when it suits me. The Sheraton Celebrity Dance Off will be a nerve-wracking challenge. I am doing it for the kids and they will be my motivation to work hard over the next 5 months!

Donate to help Jodie raise money for Sheraton Celebrity Dance Off’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Feb 03 Tom, Amanda, and the Witty Triplets If you need any pointers, let me know. $50.00
Feb 03 Doug Quinn $500.00
Feb 03 Allan Hough $100.00
Feb 03 Shelley Hanlan You will be AMAZING...looking forward to cheering you on! $50.00
Feb 03 Rob Kolton Good Luck Jodie! $50.00
Feb 02 Joe Whitbread I love your spirit and appreciate your investment in this community. Thank you for putting yourself out there. I have HUGE respect for you! $50.00
Feb 02 Red Deer Minor Hockey $100.00
Feb 02 Darrin DeMale $25.00
Feb 02 Bryn James Break a leg. $100.00
Jan 24 CRS/Merrill Insurance Ltd. You truly are a lovely queen! Good luck Jodie - sorry we can't be there. $50.00