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Help us raise money

For participating in Sporting Life 10k - Toronto 2017

Our story…

The Wolfe Pack - Anne, Noah, Sarah and Steve are once again asking our generous friends and family who have been supporting us for many years in our efforts to raise money and awareness for the great work Camp Oochigeas does to help kids and their families who are faced with the challenging reality of childhood cancer. Please help us reach our goal so we can send 3 kids to camp for 2 weeks again this year.


Help send kids affected by cancer to Camp Ooch!

Camp Oochigeas (Ooch) provides children with and affected by childhood cancer with what they need most – the chance to be a kid. Ooch is the only residential camp in Ontario to offer on-site IV chemotherapy and blood transfusions providing access to campers in active treatment the friendship and fun of Camp. Operating 365 days a year, Ooch offers programs at a residential camp in Muskoka, at the Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids), three other regional cancer centres and at Ooch Downtown in the heart of Toronto.

As a registered charity that receives no government funding, Ooch relies exclusively on the generous support of fundraisers, individual and corporate donors like you.

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Apr 11 Steven Petroff $180.00
Apr 07 Michael Miloff Great cause and family commitment Undisclosed amount
Apr 07 John Gravitis $50.00
Apr 06 Ilana Green $72.00
Apr 05 Gerald Silver Undisclosed amount
Apr 05 Karen Miller May Karma be very good to you and your family Steve $250.00
Apr 04 Joyce Kruskal and Neal Madras Undisclosed amount
Apr 04 Bea Bindman $54.00
Apr 04 Jacob Langer and Ferne Sherkin-Langer $100.00
Apr 04 Anonymous $500.00