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Help Nicole raise money

For participating in Walk a Mile in Her Shoes®


Provide a woman and her child (ren) with SAFE NIGHTS free from Abuse and Violence!

Women In Crisis (Algoma) Inc., (WIC) is an innovative, non-profit, community based organization working to provide advocacy, support, safe shelter, programs, and services for all women and children affected by abuse and violence. 

Each year we serve the women and children of our local community and surrounding areas through; 

  • 24-hour, 7 days/week, accessibility to shelter and support services,
  • Individualized and/or group, long term and crisis abuse counselling,
  • Telephone/walk-in crisis counselling,
  • Awareness and education,
  • Systemic and individual advocacy,
  • Referral services, and
  • Safe housing support.

We are blessed to be members of a community that recognizes the needs of women and children who are affected by abuse and violence.Your generosity in supporting us to continue doing this important work is greatly appreciated. With the help of our generous supporters we hope to someday be able to eradicate abuse and violence from the lives of all women and children.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 23 Angela O'Dell CA$25.00
May 23 M. Catterick CA$25.00
May 23 Dionisia Marson Proud of you Nicole! ❤️ You are a strong and beautiful woman! CA$50.00
May 22 Debbie Rouleau Bless you for speaking out and raising awareness. CA$25.00
May 22 Lisa Mazzuca CA$25.00
May 22 Kathy & Nello Barsanti CA$40.00
May 22 Amy Stanghetta CA$25.00
May 22 Nicole Lajoie Love you and am so proud of you! CA$25.00
May 22 Anna Rendell Your strength will support so many others. CA$25.00
May 22 Diane Bryson CA$25.00