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Help us raise money

For participating in Walk a Mile in Her Shoes®

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 15 Trish Arruda So proud of you and the courage you have to share this. Best of luck in your walk❤️ CA$25.00
May 15 Melissa Plaskett CA$25.00
May 15 Laura Wing CA$25.00
May 15 Susan Bye Thank you for being courageous in sharing your story, Nicole! You have found your voice. Best of luck on having a successful fundraiser! CA$25.00
May 15 Lisa Roy CA$25.00
May 15 Sergio Bernardo CA$25.00
May 15 Rob & Heidi Zagordo Thank you for sharing your story Nicole. You are an incredibly strong woman and an amazing role model for our children! CA$25.00
May 15 Larry Pezzutto CA$25.00
May 15 Pat Carter CA$10.00
May 15 Claudia Greco The courage and strength you show are inspirational. I wish you healing and peace. Thank you for sharing. CA$25.00