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Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep

Raise money for Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep

The NILMDTS  Remembrance Walk, "Our Journey Together" is for parents, family members, and friends to come together to remember a precious baby who has died due to miscarriage, stillbirth, SIDS, neonatal or any type of pregnancy or infant loss.

Your donation will be applied to your team page. A number of meaningful memorabilia honoring your baby will be included based on fundraising levels achieved. If you raise $125, you will receive a personalized sign with your baby's(ies) name(s) on the Walk route. For $250, you will receive a special message and/or an image of your baby(ies) on your sign. Visit the NILMDTS website for further details.


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
May 21 Erika Sarmiento ? $10.54
May 21 Seth Murphy $26.35
May 21 Lindsay Lopez $5.27
May 20 Peggy Thompson In loving memory of Lucy Kathryn. Undisclosed amount
May 20 Julie Hensley Remembering your sweet Nathan from Rebeccas Mom $105.40
May 20 Michelle Walton Josiah, Great Shelly misses you. $52.70
May 20 Joanne Walton Jojo I miss my namesake. Granny Jojo $26.35
May 20 Arthur Walton Remembering you always. Your Great Grandpa $31.62
May 20 Lindsey Szilak $52.70
May 20 Robin Kirby My heart and thoughts are with your family during this difficult time. Love, Robin $26.35