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Help Nicolia raise money

For participating in The UrbaCity Challenge 2018

Help me raise funds for Island Prostate Centre at part of this year's UrbaCity Challenge!

My Story…

Hello everyone! This is the third time we are participating as a team in Urbacity and we are as excited as ever! Rhea and I are both in our respective schools now (nursing and law) and super busy, but are making time to participate in this fun and very meaningful event. The proceeds all go to helping the individuals and families of those who are suffering with prostate cancer. Rhea and I (and almost everyone we know) have had multiple family members who have suffered from cancer and know what a hard time it is for the whole family/friend circle. What this centre does for the patients and families is quite admirable and we are happy to do our part to participate. This site makes it very easy to donate and whatever you can offer would mean a lot. We will be participating in this event (an Amazing Race style competition) on Sept. 23rd.