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Help Jon raise money

For participating in COLOR ME PINK 5K 2019

My Story…

Jon Pollard lives in West Wyoming with his wife, Lisa, two sons, Simon and Roger, and their dog Phoenix. He is the Principal of the Wyoming Area Secondary Center. Outside of work, Jon, an Eagle Scout, is active with his sons’ Cub Scout Pack #366. He is a Past President of the Luzerne County Historical Society. He is a member of St. Barbara’s Parish and member of Washington Lodge No. 265. Jon is former cancer patient, having had a rare skin cancer removed in 2009, and has family, friends, and colleagues who have bravely fought Breast and other forms of Cancer. Jon’s participation in Paint Pittston Pink will foster community spirit, raise awareness for Cancer screenings and help fund the Cancer research vital to improving the lives of the Cancer Patients and their families who are our neighbors and friends.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 29 Andrew Mulvey Reno, May your BoJos fly like the wind! Get piss lipped! LZC! Mulv-JJJ $25.00
Aug 29 Stephen Blazo 2 words: crop dusting $50.00
Aug 29 Katye Flynn Brian, Katye ,Ainsley and Delaney Enjoy we want to see pictures!!!! $25.00
Aug 13 Carmie Argento Have fun! $25.00