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Help Nick raise money

For participating in COLOR ME PINK 5K 2019

My Story…

As a life long resident of Yatesville, I am honored to have been selected in this year’s Gentlemen’s Dash. I have worked as a school security guard at Pittston Area for the past twenty years and currently co-own 570 Photobooth and 570 Events. This year I’ll be kicking up my heels and running to raise awareness and support for cancer research. I will run especially in memory of my mother, Mary Jo Chiumento, and my uncle, Anthony (AJ) Rostock who lost their brave battles to this terrible disease. Thank you for your support and generous donations!

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 12 Barb & Sal Sciandra Thank you for your participation and sportsmanship! It means the world to us. $10.00
Sep 12 Teresa and Chris Yatesville proud.....go get them Nick! $50.00
Sep 11 Anonymous $100.00
Sep 11 Al and Joann Dunn Good Luck Nicky !!!! $50.00
Sep 08 Tony and Amy Biscotto $100.00
Sep 03 Pittston Area Cheerleaders $175.00
Aug 27 Bridget Brogan Good luck Nicky!! Love, Bridget and Brogie $50.00
Aug 25 Jodi Gregory $100.00
Aug 25 Lisa Severnak Good Luck Nick! Thanks for your participation to help raise funds for this cause. $50.00
Aug 25 Valerie McHale $20.00