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Learning Disabilities Association of Ottawa

Raise money for Learning Disabilities Association of Ottawa

Help us make a difference in the lives of children, youth and families affected by learning disabilities and ADHD. Join us for the Ottawa Race Weekend and help support Sunshine Day Camp, a unique day camp program for children ages 7 to 12 with learning disabilities and/or ADHD.

You can support the LDAO by joining our team and walking or running with us. OR, if you wish, you can create your own web page and fundraise for Sunshine Day Camp. Thank you for your incredible support!

Learning Disabilities (LD’s) are the most common form of disability in Children. The Ontario Ministry of Education concluded that LD’s make –up 43% of all disabilities among their students. In the Ottawa- Carleton Public and Catholic school boards, there are approximately 11,000 children with LDs. According to statistics, as many as 29% of youth with LDs will not graduate from high school. But you can help but supporting the LDAO in events like Ottawa Race Weekend. The LDAO does not receive any government funding and is reliant on fees, fundraising and donations to keep wonderful programs like Sunshine Day Camp running.


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Nov 28 Anonymous $20.00
Nov 25 John Fletcher What a fantastic idea. I hope this small donation helps. $25.00
Nov 24 Heather Desjardins $25.00