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L'Arche Ottawa

Raise money for L'Arche Ottawa

At L'Arche Ottawa we are an inclusive community where people with and without disabilities share life together. 

 À L'Arche Ottawa, nous sommes une communauté inclusive où les personnes ayant ou non une déficience partagent leur vie ensemble.



Our race is VIRTUAL this year!

Run WITH us, support us with a donation, share our FUNdraiser with your network!  Do it all!

Choose your time to run WITH us between now and September 7th. Be sure and send pictures!

 Your support and donations enable us to offer activities to Seniors in our local community such as weekly drumming and chair yoga.

We work WITH Ottawa citizens to Foster a More Vibrant Community.

For inquiries contact 

Bienvenue à la plus grande collecte de fonds annuelle  de L'Arche Ottawa !!!

Notre course sera virtuelle cette année

Courez, faites un don, parlez-en avec vos amis!  Allons-y!

Compléter votre course d’ici le 7 septembre et envoyez-nous des photos !  Cette année, courrons ensemble mais séparément

Votre soutien et vos dons nous permettent d'offrir des activités aux personnes âgées de notre communauté locale comme le cercle de tambours et le yoga sur chaise.

Nous travaillons avec les citoyens d'Ottawa pour favoriser une communauté plus humaine.

 Pour toute question, veuillez contacter 


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
May 16 Marina Lamont Thank you for becoming a board member of l’Arche and donating your time to this meaningful cause. $100.00
May 16 Caroline Midgley Wishing you a great race for a great cause. Donating in memory of Amanda Rietschlin. $25.00
May 16 Kate Macdonald Blessings on the l'Arche communities : ) $25.00
May 16 Helen Zettel Thank you so much Laura! $25.00
May 16 Mary Bridgeo 👍 $50.00
May 16 Joy Heft I am pleased to donate to such a great cause for an organization that has accomplished so much good worldwide. $25.00
May 16 Robert Murphy Undisclosed amount
May 12 Anonymous $100.00
May 07 Byatris Kattackal $100.00
May 06 Laura Muldoon Undisclosed amount